chapter idk

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My face turned pick when i noticed dell in the corner of my eye.
I quickly tried getting up but i noticied i was tied down with strapes on a bed.

"LET ME GO " i started panicking and started to get emberssed as dell was there. Some reason i keep thinking about dell. I wounder why do i keep thinking about him if i just barely ment him.

Weird.. All of this is weird..
Questions started piling in my head thinking why hasnt mikuo come and visit me or why havnt i know about this before..... I wounder what mom and dad thinks...... I wounder why..... Is this happening to me....

"mrs. Hatsune. .." luka had said.
I hadnt notice that i was still panicking and yelling when i was thinking about those questions.

I stopped and relized that my thoughts were on a big comuter screen.
I notice that it said the name dell. I was shocked and emberessed that my face turned red.. I read everything it said and it was exactly wat i was thinking..

I quickey turned around to see dell staring at me i quickley turned my head and tried moving my hands but i couldnt

"LUKA UNTIE ME " I yelled in emberssement. Today was really a bad day for me.. But it was better than school.. Everyone didnt like me at all. They just stare at me and pick on me like a little brat. But it wasnt just school.. Mikuo wasnt really there for me... Nether was mom or dad... I was always alone.. I had only 2 friends... But i really dont talk to them

I wasnt really happy but its not really a big deal... I stopped thinking and relized that they can see my thoughts.. I quickly looked towards the screen seeing my thoughts still writting down... I started to cry as they started at me. I never told anyone about anything not even my friends.
Luka walked towards me, taking the strapes off. I was really happy so, so i got up quickley and ran away.

I didnt want pity or nothing thats the big reason i never told anyone..
I quickly turned around the corner as i bumped into someone making both of ua fall back.

"im so sorry. " i quickly said. Looking up to see a boy with white silver hair.

"I-im s-sorry...." The boy said. Quickly getting up and leaving. I looked at the boy as a charger was connected to the suit he was wearing.
       I got up and walked away . I was clearly lost so i walked around trying to find a way out. I didnt want to stay any longer even if i was staying with a famous company.
     I was walking for 30 mins. Till i found a hallway of windows. I wanted to go outside and escApe get some fresh air too.
       I keeped walking looking for a door as a got closer to the end of the hallway a room full of windows appeared. There were tables there and snacks its like this was a chat room.
      I found a door at the otherside of the room. I was so happy, i dashed and open the door revealing the outside.
     The outdoors... Were pretty... I saw a tree and so i decide to sit there try to think how to escape...
        I was thinking that i can leave now but.... I was sleepy..... So tired..... So......tired.......

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