chapter sumtin

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I started waking up hearing laughter in a direction. I quickly opened my eyes trying to see were was it coming from.
I saw a hand point at me
"whos so dumb to fall asleep here haha" i heard relizing they were laughing at me.
I got up and dusted me off and left.. It was getting dark so i went inside..
"now.. I can escape.. " i whispered to myself.

I found my dorm and started packing. I decide im going to leave at midnight sharp.
I guess i stay at my friends house till i go home i mean her house ant that far..
I got finshed packing and i floped on my bed looking at the ceiling...

I barey got here and i dont want to stay. I mean im leaving a famous company... I just dont fit in yet.. Watever i dont want to be famous and get fame and glory. Im just an outsider.. So... Watever

I turned around to face the clock. It was only 10:31. I stared at it for a while. Just staring off to space.. Hm..... Isnt it. To early to say goodbye to them.... Well its not like they will send polices to find me watever...

I got up and looked in my empty closet... I saw a picture when i was younger of me and mikuo mom and dad i was just a kid... This was the only photo i had of them..


I came home from school and i was only 6 to my house with mikuo. When we got there , there was polices and fireman everywere. I see smoke comin from our house, then BOOM a giant flame took over the house burning everything inside it.
Mikuo hold me tight as the fireman tried taking out the fire but we just sat there in horror .. Hearing screams coming from the house, i covered my ears screaming just imaging who was in there.
I stoped and looked up looking at the fire ahead.... A fireman went to mikuo saying were is mom and dad.... He said.... They had a day off..... Just hearing him say that..... Made me cry and scream.
I got up and ran away crying not knowing what to do... All i could think was just run .
Mikuo went after me later grabbing me and holding me tight. I kicked and screamed trying to get him away from me.
     He let go of me and i ran, ran were my parents always took me. I ran towards the park, hoping they be there.
       Once i arrived i just stood there.. They weren't there.  I walked towards the swings were dad always pushed me and i laughed.
        I couldn't help but cry... Knowing they were dead...
       Things happen so fast.... Don't they?..
           *flash back ends*
   ....i miss you...

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2015 ⏰

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