tests and detention??!!

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So today ( 10/21/15 ) I took around 5 tests within 3 hours. And lets just say I don't think I did very well. First off I sit by all my friends in the class I took the test in so we kept getting in trouble for talking. Secondly, my friends kept whispering to each other so when I was actually trying to take the test I kept getting distracted. Anyways yeah but I'm pretty sure our teacher hates us now. (maybe not hate but you get the point... hopefully) So while me and my friends where talking well actually whispering, we decided to play hangman. And when it was my turn to figure out the word, I was guessing letters and getting everything wrong. As a result my friends started laughing at me. And one of my friends Tyson has a really contagious laugh so I started laughing to.

After that the while class kind of started to stare at us like we were crazy. Then the teacher stood up from her desk and slammed her book on her desk while telling us to shut up before we get a zero on the test and lunch detention. Yeah so thats basically how my day went. Lol we just kind of whispered after that and played some hangman and tic tac toe. (we are so childish XD)

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