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I saw the burst of light and the man that came out was no one I had seen before. How did this man get here? I wish Tom were here. He always had an explanation for everything. In a blink of an eye everything faded. 

My vision was hazy, I could not only see blurs if people walking around but could hear them whispering uncomfortably close to me. I did not recognize any of the voices surrounding me. Blinking several times, I looked to a familiar face to my right when my vision returned. He was sitting in a reclining chair beside the bed I was laying in. It was professor Albus Dumbledore himself. It was as if he had aged tremendously in a matter of a few short days. "Professor Dumbledore?!" I looked at the wrinkles that appeared.
" Ms. Quinn. You're probably wondering why you're here and why all these people are with us as well, but like I have always said, there is a reason why things happen." He looked at the people as if signaling them to leave the room and one by one the crowd of men and women left the room. "Now. I will answer your questions after you listen because you will probably have more.
The year is 1997. There has been several events in the past forty years that you will learn about in a matter of time." Wait. Wasn't it still 1958!? I was suppose to finish my last year and become and Auror for the ministry. Why haven't I aged as well?! Tom. He was supposed to come back for me.
"This is not the world you knew forty years ago. Many things have changed. You are in the home of a man named Sir-" he was interrupted by my petty voice. All I could think about was Tom. Tears began flowing down my face.
"Sir..... What happened to one of your former students, a boy named Tom Riddle. He left Hogwarts suddenly. But was supposed to come back for me." My vision once again became impaired but this time from the tears that filled my eyes.
"Miss Jones. He is the reason I sent for you. We need someone who knew him well back then to figure how to change the man he became. About 20 years ago there was a war. Two sides were fighting and the heroic side consist of witches and wizards who formed a group called the order of the Phoenix. The opposing side was led by a man named Lord Voldemort.....not many people like speaking his name in the fear that he might one day come after them. You know him as Tom Marvelo Riddle. You must know he hated his given name so when he started to gain power he changed it." How could it be my best friend, the man I loved, possible be an evil man who was responsible for starting something so demonic and chaotic, a war where people were probably killed by his hand. People had probably lost loved ones, which is unfathomable. I always knew he wanted power but I had thought he meant for something good such as being in charge of the ministry of magic.
"I'll let you get some sleep. We'll talk in the morning." Dumbledore said standing up and headed straight out the door, shutting the door behind him. Was I really in the future?

Root of the Riddle(Rewriting)Where stories live. Discover now