Never Stop Running

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Anne's POV

I heard Robin's phone buzz on the counter. I looked to see who it was but the number was unknown. I figured it wasn't important until I saw two pictures load. They were pictures of Louis and Harry doing "things". When it came to their father I said every man for himself but I figured I'd delay the inevitable if I could.


Harry's POV

I leaned down and kissed Louis as I fucked him. It had been as stressful day and we needed to unwind. I decided that Louis had had his fun but now it was my turn to top him. I thrust into him harder causing him to moan. Louis grabbed a fist full go my hair and tugged at it lightly. I bit my bottom lip and moaned softly in pleasure.

Apparently Robin had knocked on the door but neither Louis nor I had heard it as we were kind of busy at that particular moment in time. The door was locked but somehow Robin found where we hid the key. He unlocked the door and burst in.

"WHAT THE FUCK!!!" He yelled out in anger.

I quickly pulled out of Louis and turned around to face the angry man in front of us. I saw Louis' eyes widen in fear as he attempted to cover us. I swallowed hard watching all of Robin's veins pop out of his neck.

He started to yell once again, "You Gay Assholes!!!"

I watched his fist fly up ready to punch me. I flinched, ready for a hit that never came. I opened my yes to see that Louis had caught Robin's hand before he hit me.

Louis looked Robin dead in the eye and said, "I swear if so much as lay one finger on him ever again, I will not hesitate to kill you!"

"No son of mine shall be a faggot," he said.

"Well good because neither of us ever wanted to be your son anyways, " I said with a proud smirk.

I put on my boxers followed by Louis, deciding that we had sat there all out for long enough. Then Just to our luck Robin got a call.

"Hello, Thank you for calling Robin's Star Furniture, Robin speaking how may I help you?"

Ugh he sickens me. He thinks he's all that and a bag of chips but what does he do? He runs a furniture store. A fucking furniture store that no one has ever even heard of.

Robin's POV

The male on the phone sounded young and he said something that made me want to give him my full attention.

"I believe I have some information about your sons that you might want to know."

I turned to Louis and Harry, "Stay here I'll be right back."

Tuning back to the interesting person on the phone, "I'm listening."

I stepped out of the room.

Harry's POV

After Robin walked out of the room Louis went into maternal mode. When your only mission in life is to protect your child. In this case that child was me.

"We have to go NOW!" Louis said as he put on his clothes.

I got dressed as fast as I could, "Where are we going to go?"

"Where else our safe house," he said as he pushed me out the window, "Climb down I'll be right there."

Louis grabbed a bag and put money their phone chargers in it along with some food to start off with and followed Harry out the window.

Robin's POV

"They go to the old abandoned building on 10th street a lot. I've seen them going in and out multiple times. I also sent you pictures," the boy on the phone said.

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