3 A.M.

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If Louis and Harry had made it to the safe house

Harry's POV
Louis woke up in a cold sweat after having a nightmare about our father beating him. I woke up with him.

I asked him if he was ok. Louis seemed a bit frantic looking around the room but he soon calmed down and put his "rough exterior" back on.

"I'm fine," he stated coldly and he walked outside.

I followed him and asked him again just to be sure. He replied with the same answer but I knew something was wrong.

"No you're not, what's wrong?"

"Harry just go back in the house."

I refused I needed to know what was wrong with my baby.

"Harry...please..." Louis said clenching his fists.

"No, not until you tell me what's going on. Please I want to help you. Just tell me."

Louis snapped, "Why? Why the fuck do you want to know so badly? You can't fix it. Don't come with that bullshit when you know you can't fix it! Don't get my hopes up just to let them down!"

I looked at him with love, "I may not be able to help you now...but I want to know. You worry me when you get like this. Please...

I can see Louis starting to break down.

"You can't fix this shit! You can't fix me."

"Im not trying to fix you," I said, "you can't fix what's already perfect."

Louis had tears in his eyes, "Harry..."

"Baby...please..." I said pulling him close.

Louis cried softly, " I'm...I'm so sorry..."

I stroked his head, "shhh...baby, there's nothing to be sorry for...I got myself into this remember."

"I just want to be able to give you everything you deserve," Louis started, "I just feel like I fucked everything up. I mean Robin put us through hell."

"You already have given me everything just by loving me. You didn't fuck anything up I promise." I said reassuring him.

"Lou..." I said, "What if he finds us?"

"We run an we fight. I'll go to the ends of the earth to protect you." Louis said with a smile, "Harry no one will ever hurt you again...I promise. I'll love you and protect you forever."

"Forever and always." I responded.

I kissed Louis and we went back to bed falling asleep in each other's arms.

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