Detention pt.2

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The two of them stopped talking but were sending dagger like glares to each other as the boy just stood in the doorway, looking amused.

"Um, am I interrupting something?" he asked while smiling. "Nope I was just about to beat this old lady down," Takeshi said gritting his teeth. "Oh whatever. We both know she can kick your ass in under a minute" "Thank you Hikaru, but flattering will get you no where" Ms. Lang said with a smile. "Ok since we're all here, let's get to work." Takeshi began to whine and then made his way over to Hikaru, who was chuckling to himself when he saw the other two looking at each other with pure hatred.

Ms. Lang walked out the door first in a hurry to get out of the room. I left next getting up from my seat and passing the two boys standing by the doorway, ignoring their stares. We walked in silence making everyone feel uncomfortable and on edge, but we finally got to the nurse's office and it still looked like a mine sight. "Jeez what the hell happened here?" Hikaru asked looking astonished. "Well this whole mess is thanks to your new friend Midnight here" Ms.Lang said sarcastically. "I said I was sorry, jeez. No need to keep reminding me" I was in no mood for this. Ms.Lang finally assigned us different positions while she sat on a desk reading a book. I had to clean the floors while Takeshi cleaned the walls and Hikaru did the cealing.

It took less than five minutes for those two to stop working and start chatting about random stuff. Whenever I would tell them to help they would only scoff at me and roll their eyes. I was about five seconds away from smacking their eyeballs out of their heads when I remambered, I'm a witch. I have powers. Yeah I still had to control my powers a little but I could clean this up way faster.

So with a deep breathe I began to concentrate and focus my energy. The room began to get dim and there were golden orbs of light around my hands. By this time the boys stopped talking and began to watch as if they were moths attracted to a light bulb.

I tilted my head back a bit and opened my eyes revealing that they had changed to a light purple instead of my usual dark brown. With a slight whoosh sound the room began to fill up with a bright light. The boys ducked and shielded their eyes not knowing what was happening.

As soon as they felt that the coast was clear they opened their eyes to see that the room looked back to normal and me standing there with a goofy grin on my face. I looked over to see Ms. Lang sleeping with her book on her lap. Did she really just sleep through that whole thing? I really didn't care too much at the moment because that spell killed my energy and I was tired.

The boys just kept staring at me and I got a bit annoyed. Takeshi was about to speak but I had beaten him to it. "Thank you both so much for your help, I really appreciated it, but you know next time you choose to leave all the work to me make sure you have a death wish" I said. My voice sounded tired and droopy but that was to be expected since I wasn't used to using my powers like that. The boys still just stared at me but Hikaru looked at me with concern as if he was really worried about me, even Takeshi looked at me with sympathy but I just rolled my eyes and left. I felt their eyes follow me as I walked out and it made me wonder 'did they really care?' but i brushed the thoughy aside and walked to the principles office. 

I know this chapter was short, I'm working on shortening my chapters so it won't be so long, but I hope you all like it so far. Add a comment or something if you do and also help me think of new ideas. I'm running on empty here.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2015 ⏰

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