The ashes

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Kaito stared into the mirror, admiring his costume. He was wearing his dark blue Halloween special. It made sense, but the set was so realistic it scared the heck out of him. The nervousness was too much to take. Someone knocked on the door. Kaito opened it expecting to see Meiko and gumi running away. He was surprised to see Len trembling like it was -8 degrees.
"Len what are you doing here?" Kaito spluttered.
"I..." Len started. Kaito resisted the urge to shake the boy. "Well? Go on"
"Miku saw me hug Gumi," he whispered shakily. "That's it?" Kaito said sharply. Then he remembered what Miku could do when she got jealous. But she doesn't like Len right?"
"What's worrying you? Tell me," Kaito said more gently. Len calmed down visibly. "I haven't been honest with you. Miku told me to pretend to be in a relationship with her to make you jealous," he confessed sadly.
"I know," Kaito rubbed Lens shoulders. He still saw Len as a little brother. Len looked down in shame. "I'm sorry, but I love her so much. Even if it was fake."
Kaito just nodded. "Len did you love gumi?" Len sighed. "Once I did but she left before anything serious happened. I had told Miku, and now she doesn't want me to talk to her."
Kaito ruffled Lens spiky hair affectionately. "Everything will be ok."
Len looked up. "Thank you. I'm so glad you're my brother." God  they grow up so fast. "Kaito turned away so Len couldn't see the emotion his face was portraying.
     Len took the hint. He sighed, believing that Kaito may never forgive him.  " good luck," he said as he walked out of the room.

Hai wa hai ni... The music started. Kaito didn't know why he was so nervous. The dance was easy for his hip, and the he knew the words like the back of his hand. Some the words were prerecorded. He pushed all his inward feelings down and began, his rich voice filling the whole set.
       All was going well. Kaito felt like he could relate to the music. He knew how it felt to be a monster and lifeless. When the supposedly motionless dolls came to life, that was the problem. He was warned, but all he saw were his emotionless parents with the belt. Kaito felt more scared and powerless than he had ever felt before. He twisted his not yet healed hip, and collapsed. He kept trying to get back up, but it felt like someone was holding him down. Slowly the music came to a stop, even the bells. Kaito still didn't get up. It was too hard. He felt Krypton's  arms lift him up and take him down. Kaito opened his eyes. The director looked at him with pride. "You're the best method actor we've ever worked with. We might have another song if you..."
       Krypton cut him off. "No I'm not interested, and not a chance," he growled.
       The director looked crushed. "But..." This time Kaito interrupted. "I only agreed to this because I had lost my temper and didn't listen. I don't want to do this ever again. I'm sorry."
        The director glared at him but Kaito wasn't backing down. The frown turned into a bargaining smile. "Ok then. We have a company to make anyway." With that ominous note he walked away.

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