The outing

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Kaito haunted the Krypton mansion, pacing it's halls quietly. He wished that he had listened to Krypton. A failure as always.
      "Kaito seriously?" Akaito was standing right behind him. "You aren't a failure, so quit saying that!"
     "I didn't say that I was."
      "You were thinking it," Akaito pointed out, as a teasing smile creeping up on his face.
       Kaito let out a growl of frustration. "Why are you so annoying!"
       Akaito's grin grew wider. "It's my job."
       "Well you're fired,"said Kaito visibly trying not to laugh. He walked away and he heard Akaito mutter something sounding like "screw this,"
"Oh and Kaito?"
Akaito walked over to him and said, "we're all going out tomorrow. At Starbucks. Don't want you to miss it."
"Excuse me?!" Kaito spluttered. "Do I get a say in this?" Akaito tapped his chin and said, "um no you don't."
"I'm busy," Kaito said, even though he knew he was just going to read a book. "Oh please," Akaito snorted. "You don't have any homework and Krypton's giving you a break. Plus you don't have a choice."
Kaito knew that his big brother wouldn't leave him alone until he conceded. "Fine," he relented. "I hate you but I'll go."
Akaito smirked. "Thanks for winning me 10 bucks bro." He walked away leaving Kaito torn between cursing Akaito or laughing.

I know that this one isn't really Long. (Please don't kill me)🤗 but I've slowed down upgrades. You guys will get one every week so that's okay. Luv y'all!! See yah!!

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