cheeky bum seckz

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vic fuentes slowly walked up to donald trumpet and slapped his face. he left a red mark!!!!

"OH UVE DONE IT NOW!!" donald yelled. he clapped his hands and an armeh of rich, white billionaires stormed into da house with sum big ass masheen gunz.

"HOLY CATFISH BALLS!!!" vic screamed running to hide behind kellin quinn.

"BRENDON SAVE US ALL W/ UR BIG ASS FOREHEARD!!!!!1!" ryan screamed as he pushed brendon forward.

"yall lil pussys imma take out dese muther fukers." he sed smokin a joint.

"WEED IS ILLEEGUL IN THE UNITED STATS TAK HIM DOWN BOIZ!!!" donald screeched. all dem white people the started throwing ugg boots, confederate flags, and pumpkin spice stuff at brendon.

brendon fought back and startd throwin marijuana, gay pride flags and an actual black man. "YALL BITCHEZ NEED UP YO GAME IF YOU WANNA BE GOOD ENUFF TO FITE ME LIKE A MAN AND NOT SOME 12 YR OLD WHITE GIRLZ!!"

all da white congressmen and redreck fuckturdz cowarded in fear behind donald butt trumpet be4 runnin outta da house like a bunch a lil pussies.

"WE DO WUT THE FUCK WE WANT DAMMIT GO FUCK MILEY CITRUS NOW!!!" brendon screamd at donald. donald startd to cri. nobodi gave 2 bitch shits.

"yay now that hes gone fite me kellin!" brendon sed grippin his kangaroo balls sword.

"nah m8 sorri dont like ryan no more imma make out wif vic insted." kellin sed takin off his ninja turtle mask and startd to hav cheeky bum secks wif vic #kellintops2k15

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