Chapter 9

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Danielle's P.o.v

Its been almost a week and he hasn't talked to me once. Everyone says he's turning into his old self again. They said that before I came along Daryl was completely locked up, like there was no one who could get in the way of him surviving and when I showed up I changed him, and no one can really
decide if that's a good thing or not.

Daryl's P.o.v

I can't stand not talking to her, but everyone tells me it's for the best. The only one that knows what I did is Rick and he said its best if I don't say anything for a while. I know that it doesn't seem like a big deal, I mean she was a walker. I just don't feel right about it, and I don't want to tell her that I did something like that to her mother, even if she was.. dead. I've also talked to Joey and Carl a couple times, they say that she said she missed me, and that hurt too. They asked me why I'm not talking to her but even if I told them they wouldn't understand. Everyone thinks I'm turning back to the old me, the one that doesn't care about anyone but himself. I didn't want to but if I didn't have Danielle than nothing really mattered. I just don't want her to know what happened, I don't want to hurt her. So until I decide to tell her what happened I set the necklace under my pillow and hopefully she won't be to mad when I give it to her. 

Danielle's P.o.v

"I win!" Dakota yelled at us as we all mumbled "again.." 

"Do you guys want to play again?" She asked but we all shook our heads. 

"Ah you guys are just upset because you didn't win," She walked over to Carl and gave him a kiss on the cheek before waving to us all and then walking away. 

"What was that all about?" I asked Carl while smirking. 

"Okay so me and Dakota are kind of a couple, it's not serious or anything I mean, we are only fourteen, but I really like her," he said to me and Joey, blushing. 

Me and Joey both responding with a drawn out 'aw' before we all got up and went separate ways. 

I went to my room and laid there thinking about what I could've done wrong to deserve this, but I couldn't think of one single thing. He hasn't talked to me, or even looked at me, in what feels like forever. It's not easy to see him roaming the halls or talking to other people when all I want him to do is talk to me, or at least acknowledge my existence. 

Maybe he's hiding something. 

I got up out of bed and went to Daryl's room. He wasn't there so I looked through his stuff, I doubt a guy like him had a journal but anything could help. 

I looked under the cot that he sleeps on, that we slept on. But nothing was there. 

Dresser drawers; nothing. 

Trash can; only old papers that had no clues at all. 

The books on top of his dresser; only pages filled with words that at this point mean nothing.

I felt tears sting my eyes and they blurred my vision so I sat down on his bed. 

Why is he ignoring me?

There was only one place I could think of that I haven't checked. 

Under his pillow.

I looked over at the pillow, maybe the secret is there. Maybe when I go to lift it up I'll know why he isn't talking to me. 

So I reached my hand over as a tear fell down my cheek, but as soon as I did I regretted it. 

He walked into his cell and saw me sitting there, reaching for the pillow that probably couldn't give me the slightest hint at all. 

"What are you doing in here?" I could tell that his eyes filled with worry but then as fast as it came it was gone and there was nothing but anger. I didn't know what to say, I thought I knew him, but seeing him there with that look in his eyes.

I don't think I knew him at all. 

"What are you doing in here, Danielle?" He sounded angry, I've never heard him talk like this. Especially not to me. 

"I don't know what I'm doing in here Daryl, last week I was in here because I thought that I loved you, but now I don't even know who you are." I wiped the tear off my face and started to walk out of the cell.

"Danielle wai-" He turned around to face me, looking like he was going to apologize, but there's no way he could mean it. 

"No Daryl, forget it. I don't want to hear your excuses. I've been wondering the past week and a half what I could've done to make you ignore me, but I didn't do anything to you. So save it, because honestly I could care less."


I was angry, without a doubt. But at this point I'm tired of it hurting, so I give up.

"You know, you shouldn't be taking your anger out on these poor helpless walkers." Glenn came up next to me with his crowbar and waited for me to explain. 

"I just don't understand, why did he ignore me all this time, just so he can turn around apologize? What's the point of that? It's not even worth it anymore honestly, I'm done."

"Are you really though? You guys seemed really happy before all this happened, I know it frustrates you and you don't understand how he could treat you this way, but maybe deep down he really does have a reason. You changed him Danielle, in fact before you came along I had never seen Daryl smile before. I had known him for three years before you came along. He loves you, even if neither of you realize it yet."

I wanted to cry, right here in front of Glenn and all these walkers. I love him too, but what if he does this again?

"Thanks Glenn, it means a lot. But right now I think I'm gonna take a break. I need some time to think about it. I'm not going to set myself up for this to happen all over again."




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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2016 ⏰

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