Allow me to come.

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Straight couple. A bit of kinky

Tapping my foot Impatiently as I waited for the elevator to reach the penthouse I couldn't help the smile on my face. My current live in mistress turned girlfriend was probably in bed right now and expecting me back in two days. Being a workaholic, I have never in all my years rushed work for a woman. Hard work is what got me to where I am now, a successful business man that doesn't have to watch his mum begging for a penny to feed them.

Shaking my head I tried t dispel the bitter memories and focused on Tammy. She hated it whenever I went away on business and even though she tried her damn best not to show it, it was easy to see. She was too easy to read, so open, so honest. 

Climbing the rocky mountain of success, I've encountered all types of greedy women. The gold diggers, the opportunists, the naive impressionist types. But never a good, honest woman who genuinely wanted ME. Until her.

the best part was she really liked giving out rewards. And I had no doubt this time would be no diffrent.

Walking through the door and locking it, I walked towards the bedroom flinging my briefcase on the sofa on my way. Then I heard it. Moaning. Tammy moaning. I stopped dead in my tracks and look down. Tammy's heels kicked off in the corner, her dress a couple inches from where I was standing.

Rage so strong that it almost knocked me off my feet took over my whole body and I started to walk to the door hand raised to push open the ajar door. I didn't know if I could do it. Was I ready to confront the only woman I've ever felt anything for, with another man in OUR bed?

Moaning. More moaning and a gasp.

"Yes! Yes, right...there." I couldn't bear it. Unconsciously raising my hands to cover my ears I froze again when I hear it.

"Kevin, kevin baby please. More, give me more."

Was she? Hesitantly, quietly, I pushed the door a bit more so I could peak and immediately clutched the wall.

Right there in our bed she was lying on her back with one hand working between her legs and the other clutching my favourite shirt to her nose as she moaned. moaned MY name. Begging me to give her more. No wonder my shirt always went missing whenever I went on a trip and was freshly washed when I came back. I couldn't help the giant smile on my face or the hand unzipping my pants.


His hands were all over me, his thick cock pounding in me over and over again. One of his hands came up from messaging my clit to nipple, spreading the wetness and making my nipple look glossy before bending down to suck it in his mouth.

"Kevin, keep going, harder, so... close." I could feel the pressure building, just two good solid pumps and a tweak of my clit and I would be there. My legs began to stiffen more and just as my back started to arch before the big O, I jerked awake. Of course. As usual. Like every other fucking time.

Frustrated, I turned on my stomach and yelled into the pillow. I HAD to give it another try and with that thought I turned on my back again. Creeping my fingers towards my lady bits, arousal was no problem. With vivid images of Kevin and his magnificent body I could work myself up almost anywhere. Completion, now that was a whole other story.

"Listen here, masturbating is okay. Masturbation is healthy, it shows you are a sexually healthy woman. So what if he doesn't know you masturbate with his shirt?" I actually cringed at that. Would he think I'm some sort of a psycho? "He probably masturbates all the time. What with that stamina and the stress of his job." At this, I imagined a shirtless kevin in his high rise office masturbating while thinking of me and let out a loud moan.

"Masturbation is NOT cheating. You are a young independent woman, you don't need no man telling you when and how you can come."

It was hopeless. Despite the pep talk, an apocalypse was closer than my orgasm and I was getting sore. "Just call him and ask him to let you come. Kevin is a modern, adventurous man. He will understand your request and you can finally stop scowling at everyone because of sexual frustration."

I eyed my phone on the bedside table and bit my lip, playing with my nipples. They were so hard and erect, waiting for kevin to lap and nip at them. I rubbed my thighs together, I needed to come so bad.

When my phone started ringing, I nearly fell off the bed in shock and pulled my hand from between my legs guiltily. I felt my face flush and my heart race when I saw his name on my screen. Quickly picking up the phone, I tried to take some deep breaths.


"Hey Tammy, hope I didn't wake you up." His voice was so deep and sexy as always and I clenched my thighs tighter.

"N-no. No you didn't. Don't worry about it." God dammit. Why was my voice all breathless and husky?

"Are you alright? You sound out of breath, what were you doing?" 

In my rush to find an excuse for the breathlessness, I totally missed the unconcerned but very amused tone of his voice.

"F-fine, I'm fine as can be." Cue nervous laughter. "I mean, um...I was just, uh... doing some exercise. Yep, I was exercising. Leg lifts, you know?" Oh, here is a knife, kill me since I already dug my grave anyway.

"Enough about me, how are you? Are you getting enough sleep? Eating okay? When are you coming back?"

"I'm good, sleeping and eating okay. I should be back soon. Did you just come?"

My heart stopped.

"Hello? Tammy are you sure you're okay? Did you just come back from the gym?"

"Oh! No, no I didn't come. I mean, I didn't go to the gym. Just working from home today." I heard him chuckle and I don't know why, maybe I was just really missing him but his voice sounded so close. I closed my eyes and imagined him in the room with me, my hand unconsciously going southwards.

Then a light bulb went on inside my head. This was IT. I could totally get him to make me come without him even knowing what he was really saying. Goddamn I was a genius.

"So what time will you be here? Do you want me to come? I mean, to the airport? "

There was that chuckle again and it went straight from my ear to all my erogenous zones.

"Hmmm, I don't know. Do you want to come?"

"Yes!" Hell yes I wanted to come, like yesterday. "I would love to come."

"Hmmm, well let's see about you coming." He sounded so close, so sexy. I rolled onto all fours, clutching the phone and rubbing my clit in small little circles. I replaced my fingers with my palm so I could delve in my wetness and had to bite my lip to contain a moan.

"Come." That was no request, it was a command. It was so sharp, so abrupt that I couldn't help but topple over the edge. My head thrown back, my back arched and a shout of pleasure passing my lips. I fell against the bed, gasping and desperately trying to catch my breath. 

"Good girl, Tammy." My eye snapped open to look into the dark chocolate eyes of my lover with a smirk on his face and a phone in hand.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2016 ⏰

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