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Chandelier cantat de personaje din Harry Potter:
Winky (dupa ce a fost concediata):
1,2,3, 1,2,3 drinks
1,2,3,1,2,3 drinks
1,2,3,1,2,3 drinks
Trow 'em back, till I loose count
Dobby (in conacul Reacredinta? Salvandu-i pe Harry, Ron, Hermione etc.):
I'm gonna swing from the chandelier, from the chandelier
Ron (zic si eu):
I'm gonna live like tomorow doesn't exist,
Like it doesn't exist!
Harry (calarindu-l pe Buckbeak):
I'm gonna fly like a bird trough the night,
Fell my tears as they dry.

Stiu ca nu ar trebui sa facem caz de necaz (vorbesc de Winky), dar mi-a venit in minte. Recunosc ca pe aia cu Dobby nu am facut-o eu, ci am luat-o dintr-o carte de pe wattpad in engleza. 😢

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