Chapter 2: Dance

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Chapter 2: Dance

As my eyes flickered open, I noticed that half of my body was hanging limply off the side of the bed. I groaned before trying to sit up but failing miserably when I fell right off the bed and hit the carpet with a loud thump.

"Owwww," I mumbled. While rubbing my shoulder, I pushed myself off the floor. It was 6:30 in the morning. Time to get to work!

I jogged to my large walk in closet and rummaged through my clothes. Finally, I decided on a pair of PINK spandex shorts and a loose, white, high-low tank top.

As I slipped it on, I noticed you could see my pale sculpted abs slighty because the tank was a little small. Ever since I had to start taking care of Sky, I started working out in my free time. It was the only way I could keep from gaining 500 pounds! I ate quite a lot.

I strolled out of my closet and into the bathroom connected to my bedroom. My brown hair stuck up every which way and the make up that I forgot to remove yesterday was smeared on my face. Quickly, I ran a cloth under cold water and wiped it across my face until I looked completely natural. I decided to leave my face as it was but I brushed out my long straight hair and tied it up in a messy bun. I gave my appearance a quick check and nodded before skipping out of my room and into the kitchen.

I jumped over to the music dock on the counter and stuck in my IPhone. Remix by New kids on the Block began booming through the kitchen. I turned down the volume slightly as to not wake Sky or my Mom and then started twirling around the kitchen.

She was that girl in the corner

Thick rimmed glasses

Everybody laughed

Every time she passed us

Ever the outcast

Had no flavor

But who got the last laugh


I slid across the floor like Tom Cruise in Risky Buisness but failed miserably when my foot slid out from under me and I landed on the ground. Hard! I groaned loudly as a pain struck in the same shoulder that I landed on this morning.

Why must I be such a klutz!?

Slowly, I brought myself up to my feet and hobbled over to the the fridge. I grabbed an ice pack out of the freezer and cautiously set it on my shoulder. The coldness of it made me jump at first but it soon began to numb the pain of my shoulder. I adjusted the ice on my shoulder so it could sit there on it's own then grabbed 2 peaches from the fridge.

I cut and made 1 of the peaches the way Sky liked them and took the other one and ate it plain.

As I took small bites out of the fruit, I walked over to the fridge and checked the date. It was Sunday. Sundays were different than most days. Instead of my usual chores, I got to perform my passion. Dance.

I threw the rest of my peach in the trash and turned off my music dock. It was already 7:30. I jogged up to Skylees room and woke her up. She was still pretty groggy as I got her dressed. I just put her in her little pink track suit and tied her thin hair into 2 cute pig tails.

When Sky and I were both finally pleased with her appearance, I took her downstairs and fed her breakfast.

As she ate I got a small bowl of cereal ready and carried it up to my Mom. As I set her food on her bed, I noticed she was silently sleeping. It was the only time my Mother looked peaceful and at rest. I still always checked to make sure she was breathing fine before leaving.

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