Chapter 3: Be Yours Til The End

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<pre style="line-height: 21px; white-space: normal; color: #444444; font-size: 15px; text-align: start;">Chapter 3: Be yours til the end

"Harrys here!!" Sky exclaims. Oh crap! It's already noon. I completely forgot he was coming!

"Come in!" I yell towards the front door. Harry steps into the front entry and slips off his converse. I can see from the living room that he's wearing black skinny jeans, a white t shirt and a brown leather jacket.

"Hey Babe," He smiles when he sees me peering at him. I look down shyly before pulling myself off the carpet away from Skylee and going over to Harry. He tightly takes me in his large muscular arms, pulling me into a hug.

Harry and I have been going out on dates for about a month now and it's the happiest I've ever been. We are starting to get pretty serious about our relationship but we still aren't boyfriend and girlfriend.

Sky has only met him about 4 times but she has already taken an extreme liking to him and Harry is great with her.

Harry gives me a small peck on my head before pulling away from our embrace. He cheekily smiles down at me before jogging over to Skylee and picking her up and spinning her around. She giggled at him and let out little shrieks.

"How is my little Skylee Wiley??" he asked her chuckling. 

"Bad!" Sky pouted. Harry looked at me curiously while setting Skylee down. 

I rolled my eyes and smiled, "She's mad because I won't take her to the beach." 

Harry looked at me with a fake hurt expression, "Well why wouldn't you take this perfect little angel to the beach?"

"YA!" Skylee added.

"Well I uh Well I have work to do," I stuttered.

Harry tilted his head to the side confused before steeping towards me until we were only inches apart. "What is it really babe?"

"I-I don't have a swimsuit," I looked at the ground shyly.

I peered back up at Harry to see he had a huge smile on his face. 

"Well that's an easy fix!!" He exclaimed, "Why don't you go pack up and get Skylee ready for the beach and I'll wait down here?"

I smiled at his kindness and nodded. Skylee was clapping happily and hobbled over to me, holding up her hands to be picked up. I swooped her up and jogged her upstairs.

Might as well get Skylee ready first. I went into her room and set her down on her feet and went into her small dresser.

I picked out a small pink two piece semi suit with white hearts all over it. I tossed it at Skylees feet and pointed to it.

"We can go to the beach if YOU put your own swimsuit on," I dared her.

A look of shock spread across her face before she became determined. She began to peel off her pajamas but before she was going to attempt to pull the swim suit on I stopped her.

"I'll put your waterproof diaper on first." I explained. I swooped her up and set her on the changing table before putting on her little waterproof diaper. 

When I finished I set her back down on the ground beside her swimsuit waiting for her to figure out the swim suit.

By the time she thought she figured it out. Her head was sticking through the leg hole and her legs were both squeezed through the neck hole.

I began to furiously laugh as Skylee pouted at me. "Close enough," I managed to get out as my laughter died down.

Sitting down on the carpet. I fixed her swimsuit and pulled her hair into a high curly pony tail.

Til the End (Niall Horan)Where stories live. Discover now