Chapter 5

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"Nobody mom, just saying goodnight.. I'll be right in" I said and blushed hard.
"Bring him in baby girl" Isabelle, my moms wife yelled.
"I'd prefer not to mama!" I yelled back.
"Uh, I'd prefer to" Elijah yelled to them. Then started walking towards my house.
What. The. Hell. Is. He. Doing?!
"Uhhhh" I said, "what are you doing?" I asked.
"Meeting your mothers duh" he said and smiled.
So we all sat around the table and talked for a couple hours.
They didn't mention safe sex or anything like that thank the good Lord.

"Well this was fun, but I'm gonna have to head home" Elijah said.
"Oh honey, let us take you home." Izzy said.
"Oh, nah. I'm like at the corner" he said and smiled, "thanks for your offer though"
"Yeah, I'll just walk him home and-" I say and start standing up.
"No way! It's midnight you crazy children, if you guys wanna walk, we will walk with you" mom said.
"Mooooom" I said, holding out the "o".
"Francesca, you are only 17 years old, do you know how many disgusting men, no offense hun, will snatch you up and eat you for dinner?!" Mom said.
"But Eli will be with me" I said, and I felt a blush coming on. Ugh.
"We'll walk with you" Izzy said. And that's when I knew it was over.

As we were walking down the street Elijah grabbed my hand and squeezed it.
I squeezed it back and looked at him, then smiled. He smiled back.
He doesn't even know how he's making me feel. Ooh.
We arrived at his house way too soon. My mom and Izzy was a little far back, maybe for privacy. When I walked him to the door I did the stupidest thing ever.
I told him to wait. Don't ask why, I just did.

"Yeah?" He said and looked into my eyes.
"Uh. I'll see you tomorrow? We can go over a couple songs?" I said blushing and he smiled, full set of teeth.
"I mean, or not, yanno whateverrrr" I said awkwardly.
"Of course we can" Elijah said and kissed my cheek, "Goodnight Francesca. Sweet dreams."
Then he walked into his house and closed the door, but not before smiling and winking at me.
The feelssss.

"Aw honey, you guys are adorable!" Mom said while we were all getting ready for bed.
"We aren't even together" I mumbled.
"It sure doesn't look like that" Izzy said.
"Welp." I said and turned to down the stairs to my room, "goodnight mom, night mama" then I went to my room, and had very sweet dreams.

Sorry it's been so long!!!! I just haven't really been writing :p
There's been school and stuff. Babysitting. Yeah.
Vote, like and comment :) thanks

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