chapter 2

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I woke up to a couple of pink and blue sun rays shining through the curtains of my room. I stayed in bed for a while because I like to think about everything and what I want to do.

I rolled out of bed and decided to get ready. I quickly showered. Letting the hot water relax my tensed body, made me feel free. I got out after about 30 minutes and got dressed in ripped baggy jeans, a black muscle T shirt, black and white vans high tops, and a black and white snap back.

I heard a knock on my door. I looked through the peep hole and saw Grayson standing there. I opened the door.

"Hey Grayson?" i said slightly surprised. "Oh hi, uh, these are for you." He handed me a bonquet of red roses. It was strange because they are my favorite...

"Aw how sweet, come in." I placed the roses in a vase with clean water and sat in the living room with him. "So what could we do today?" I asked. "Well, my brother Ethan and I decided to go to a fair? Maybe we could do that?" I jummped from my seat in excitment.

"I LOVE FAIRS!" I yelled. I havent been to a fair since I was 7 years old, and Im 17 now, so its been 10 years. Grayson uncovered his ears and laughed at me. "I can tell you like fairs." he smiled. "Uh hell yeah! who doesnt?"

"Well great, i'll tell Ethan to come over right now and we will leave in 10?"

"okay hurry up cause i wanna go." I bounced excitedly. He left my room and i patiently waited. About 30 seconds later i heard a knock. I swung the door open and smiled at Grayson and his? Twin¿ "Hi im Ethan. you must be Brooklyn?" he smiled. "That would be me." I smiled.

"Brookly how old are you by the way?" Grayson asked. "Oh i am 17 and im turning 18 in 3 weeks."

Graysons pov//

My facial expression dropped. I looked at Ethan and he looked at me worried.

"Are you guys okay?" she snapped us out of our thoughts. "Uh yeah were good. And we are both 19 by the way." i said. Ethan gave me a weird look but it softened. "So are we going to go our what?" She giggled.

"Uh yeah lets go." I said.

This is going to be interesting...

JANSBSVSBSB CHAPTER 2 OH YEAH. tbh i almost forgot😂 but no worries my friends i would never forget about you! hope you like the chapter and i might update chapter 3 tommorow!❤️ bye loves

Hotel California// Grayson DolanWhere stories live. Discover now