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"Kaitra Ritter. 20 years of age. Death by let's see...asphyxiation by hanging. My, my aren't YOU a troublesome little girl..." a tall man with blublocker glasses. "Well to pay back your debt you must serve as a grim reaper. I do hope you enjoy your punishment."

[Present, 1895]

Kaitra jumperd on the roof on an apartment. "Oh geez I need a break! You need a break too?" She said looking up at her red headed partner. "My darling I don't need a break. Why I'm just getting warmed up!" He said twirling around. "Grell even I'm getting horribly exhausted. Maybe I should stop." Kaitra sat on the edge of the roof. "Maybe Willy will get me a break! My butt is wearing out!" Kaitra rubbed her bottom. "Poor little buttocks" "who told you two relax and slack off?" Grell jumped around and ran straight for him. "Oh Will! Give your fair maiden a kiss!" Grell lundged for William but missed. "Get to work you two. Especially you, Ms. Ritter you stilk need make up for last Wednesday." Grell and Kaitra jumped off the building and left. Will turned to the camera.

"And why are you still here?" He kicked a whole in the camera.

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