Goosebumps - 8/16/15

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R. L. Stine's "Goosebumps." To any kid growing up in the 90's, it was impossible to never have heard about this series of horror novellas. With weird tales about living dummies, walking scarecrows and everything under the sun being haunted in some way, shape or form, "Goosebumps" had marked nearly every 90's kid's childhood and continues to do so even today. "Goosebumps" the movie, centers on a fictionalized version of the famous author, played by Jack Black, where the monsters of his book series are more than just literary characters. Does the film adaptation give of one of the most famous novella series of all time due justice, or does this film give us goosebumps for all the wrong reasons? Well...

The Plot:

Moving to a new town to get a fresh start, teenager Zach Cooper notices that his next door neighbor Hannah has a bit of a creepy dad. Things only get creepier, and stranger, when it's revealed that Hannah's dad is none other than R. L. Stine, who for some reason has all his original manuscripts under lock and key. When one of the books opens, it's revealed that Stine's monsters are so real, they literally jump off the page! Things only go from bad to worse as the film's main antagonist, series icon Slappy the Dummy, decides he is done being locked away on a bookshelf, and that it's time for him and all his ghoulish friends to take revenge on their creator for locking them all away. The plot is decent and progresses smoothly: monsters come out to play, and it's up to the heroes to save the day. The plot stands out, though, by the truly memorable cast of creeps that star in it.

The Characters:

The film gives us fine heroes. Teenagers Champ, Hannah and Zach are all played decently, and Black's portrayal of Stine is also unique, although at times is does feel like it's not quite in the spotlight. Sadly, all the side characters are a little one-note, and some induce some rather awkward and cringe-worthy 'comedy.' (I'm lookin' at you, coppers.) Some of the most memorable characters within the film, however, are the monsters, especially Slappy the Dummy, who honestly feels like Heath Ledger's Joker for children. I wish we could see more of the monsters, as they carry a lot of the films delight, while at the same time become a fantastic trip down memory lane for the young-adults out there who grew up with these creatures. However, there is a subplot that happens to one of the main characters in this film that does feel a little poorly handled when it finally comes to a conclusion, which I really can't give away without spoiling the movie. And speaking of conclusions.....remember it is a "Goosebumps" story.......

Final Verdict: With Halloween right around the corner, I could think of no better film for any boils and ghouls looking for a good light-hearted (or no-hearted) horror-comedy. If you're a fan of Goosebumps, it would be a crime not to see this love-letter to the famous franchise. (And yes, the real Stine makes an appearance! Don't blink or you'll miss him!)

Grade: B+

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