Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

The hamper of food landed squarely in front of Devon, she could smell the already roasting game meat, and watched as John opened the wheat loaf splitting it into eight and passing each portion around.

“We are definitely going to have to cut down on what we eat now” John smiled handing Devon her piece. Looking around the fire some faces contorted into anger but other raised their eyes to watch her waiting for a remark or comment that would fix their problems. Breaking the crust off of the bread she paused finally realising what to say

“It won’t be for long, honest I would be grateful if you could take me to the nearest town and then I will leave, I have out stayed my time anyway” she concentrated solely on the bread singeing it in the flames that leapt towards her, she had stayed with the band for nearly a month and could sense restlessness within the camp.

“And then what Miss FitzGilbert, when we have safely delivered you then what?” Robert leant forward resting his elbows on the tops of his knees and adding a rueful smile to the glint in his eye. Feeling the flush in her cheeks Devon fought the urge to hurl her bred at his smug face, looking back to the fire she concentrated on forcing her voice out to the crowd

“Well I have not thought that far but, to be honest I can take care of myself” looking to John and the others she saw his face drop “I am grateful of your help though” finally passing her bread back for John to finish she cleaned her palms on her hose and raised to tend to Harlem.

She could hear the approach from behind but ignored it preferring to speak softly to Harlem then face him.

“You have skill with a dagger Devon” his silky voice slid through her ears sending a chill rippling down her spine but still igniting the fury she conjured within. Nodding simple thanks she fed Harlem the remainder of oats in her hand and turned to leave avoiding looking in his direction. Sensing a sudden movement a hand grabbed her arm above the elbow, spinning round she met the luminous green gaze so close to her own.

“Something is wrong with you, and I cannot place what it is” Roberts voice just a whisper as he released her sensing his wrong move, stepping away he bit his lip contemplating his next move “You are something Devon, something indeed” he smiled as she rooted herself to the spot refusing to move at all.

“Why?” a squeak emerged from her clasped lips as she held the iron tight gaze that pierced through her. A small laugh and Robert reached up running his hand through the brown hair that plastered to his head, spiking in places he looked rough but Devon saw the raw emotion within him beckoning her comfort.

“I am not sure to be honest” he paused sighing and reaching to Harlem who nuzzled his hand lovingly “You, you captivate me, the way you fight and smile...” he cut himself off suddenly. Straightening up he stepped forward “You’re not like the rest you know” by the look on her face he sensed his mistake.

“Oh no? And why is that, because I haven’t begged to be in your bed? Because I haven’t fallen in love with you just because you looked at me?” The fury in her eyes reflected slight anger and fear in his own before he extinguished it to harden his mouth preparing to argue, she laughed a healthy feminine laugh that shook him to the core. Cocking his head to the side he began to speak but it was too late Devon spun on her heels and stalked away through the undergrowth back to camp and the safety of others. Gripping his head in his hands he sighed slipping to the tree and leaning back shaking his head in annoyance at himself.

Walking through the barrier of shrubs Devon halted all eyes met hers and a heated flush crept up her neck.

“Ah Lass you have a lot to learn” Tuck began to speak before she held up a hand to him continuing to stalk through the camp allowing eyes to follow her in silence

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