Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

The entrance to Loxley manor was a bustling mass of surgeons and messengers all moving frantically allowing room for the new patient, with some small inquiries Adam managed to find that Lady FitzMiles was being escorted in a cart through the village, apparently still clinging barely on to life. Easing around the corner of the yard Adam waved for Robert and John to follow close, the afternoon sun set shadows against the walls and he used them for cover as they approached the building. The kitchens were noticeable more relaxed as he led the two men in

“Adam?” a quiet voice approached as they exited the kitchen and began to sneak through the winding passages. The men jumped and the two outlaws pushed back behind him, if Guy had kept any of the previous staff then Robert could risk being recognised and that would not get them anywhere.

“Eve, what are you doing here?” Adam pulled Eve from the kitchen and waved to John and Robert that it was alright. She smiled up at him sweetly and he felt something tighten within him

“I am helping Doctor Carlisle with Lady FitzMiles” she peered behind him but showed none of the alarm he would have recognised “Robert, what are you doing here?” Adam froze; she knew the young lord and he felt some sort of jealousy bubble within. Pushing it down he cleared his throat and watched once more as Robert stepped into the light and allowed a smile to tighten below the permanent frown.

“Eve we need to get to Adam’s room for cover, if you want I can explain everything there” Robert smiled and nodded to Adam and then John in reassurance that she could be trusted with all of this.

Once inside the small chamber Eve glided to wear Adam had collapsed on the bench and she poured him some wine lacing it with the herbs. “I told you to take it carefully did I not?” she smiled openly and placed her palm over the youth’s forehead. Adam grunted but returned the smile as she spun to Robert and John “So, care to explain all of the sneaking under the cover of candle light?” she added a small giggle that lightened the tone of things.

“It is a long story lass, one that will definitely take a while” John perched opposite Adam on the bench as Robert sat beside him; Eve paced quietly and then took the space beside Adam who tensed at the proximity of space.

“We have known Lady FitzMiles for a while now and well, she means an awful lot to us and especially one of us” John winked and then sipped his drink.

“So you have a close relationship with the lady” Eve nodded toward Robert who lowered his gaze but replied with his own curt nod. “And you fear for her health? So you have come to the manor, risking your lives to see her again?” she looked around the men as they processed her speech. John sighed and rubbed his hand along the dirt of his neck

“She is like a daughter to me” he shook his head

“She is a good soul, been like a sister to me, never has anyone cared for me like Devon has” Adam smiled and downed his wine to the dregs

“Eve would you be able to monitor her for us, just tonight?”

“And what after that Rob?” John looked at his master and placed his palms on the table “We will need some sort of plan at least”

“Well why don’t you stay the night here, and then every evening I can report to the tavern, I do not think that she will be moved to Newark for some time, maybe you could ride to London to see the King?” Adam leant forward and accidently clashed hands with Eve, after mumbled apologies; she placed her own dainty hand on his and let it rest.


Robert frowned at the parchment in front of him; in a matter of hours everything had descended into mayhem and then relaxed into near silence. Devon had been brought back to Loxley, the only look Robert had managed to see was of a small pale bundle covered in blankets and surrounded by people. “I should be in there with her” he paced across the chamber and Adam rose

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2011 ⏰

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