Brains, Beat Downs, and Bitc-Oh! Hello Floor!

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When Monday finally rolled around, I was nervous. I didn't know what Parker would do. It was on more than one occasion that I had gotten the shit beat out of me by guys like him. It seemed the cliché behavior too. Making sure I knew it was coming. Being a jackass. Hell...him knowing my parents even made my chances worse.

I slipped my book bag on my shoulder, and walked out of the house. Mom and dad had already left for work, so I was left to take the bus to school.

The bus ride was short, only fifteen minutes, and when I got to Village Park, I tried to avoid Parker.


I jumped, and turned around to see Gemma.

"Hey." I said back, and continuing walking towards my locker, now with Gemma at my side.

"You okay?" She asked. But she wasn't asking because of the cast around my ankle.

"Yeah." I muttered. We turned the corner, and started walking up the stairs, going against the crowd of students.

"So, yesterday I was at home watching Supernatural, and my little sister just comes up to me and is like 'what does balls mean?' And i just sat there like 'what the hell?' Turns out she heard me say 'kick him in the balls' to my step sister on the phone. That was totally not easy to explain-" Gemma continued her story, but I wasn't really listening as we passed Parker. He didn't even give me a second glance. That was good. Maybe he forgot.

When we made it to our lockers, which were only a few lockers down from Parker, I opened mine, still not listening to Gemma.

"Sawyer! Are you listening?" She asked.

"What?" I snapped my head over to her. She sighed.

"Nothing." She said.


"It's fine." She responded, opening her own locker.

"So, shall we?" I asked, gesturing in the direction of our history classroom. The history teacher, Mr. Bell, was a fucking asshole. I had only been there two days, and I already knew it.

"Welcome to hell." She muttered.

"Enjoy your stay." I smirked.

"Where puberty rules all."

"And hot guys get laid."

Gemma burst out laughing at that.

"That's so gonna be a thing." She said whipping out her phone, most likely to make a post on tumblr.

We sat in the same seats we sat in on Thursday, and Friday, and I attempted to listen to Mr. Bell's lesson. It lasted me about seven minutes to zone out.

I liked history, but when Mr. Bell was teaching it, i wanted to stab butter knives in my ears.

After history finally ended after an eternity in what could only be described as hell, I hurried out of the classroom with every other student who had a since of mind, hurrying out with me.

I was still scared over the Parker thing, but I knew we would run into each other eventually. It may have been a big school, but trust me, fate takes every chance it gets to kick me in balls.

And the time for fate to kick me in the ball's happened exactly four seconds later.


I heard him before I saw him, jogging down the hall towards me, and when I turned to look at him, his muscles working effortlessly in the action of jogging, he flashed a smile at me, slowing to a stop in front of me.

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