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I waved goodbye to my brother who walking towards the taxi that was to take him to the airport.

Me and my brother, Matthew, live together in a small two story house, after our parents died in the fire Matt had to find work pretty quick and now he was leaving for a whole year for this stupid "student exchange" program.

The person taking Matt's room is some kid from England. He's been communicating with him for about a week. Matt says he's funny and nice, but doesn't know much about him so we'll have to see.


"I'll text you when I get there!" He yelled to me from the driveway, struggling to pull his suitcase behind him.

"I'll keep my phone by me at all times! Love you!" I yelled back from the doorway.

"Love you too, Carter! Be safe" his response was just before closing the car door and driving away.

The student switching with Matthew was scheduled to arrive in about 6 hours so I had this little house all to myself

I threw a bag of popcorn into the microwave and switched on the tv to watch football.

You see, I'm kind of a tom boy. Not that only tom boys watch football, I just happen to be one.

I love anything to do with wrestling, football, basically anything sports like. I don't pay much attention to dresses or make up etc. My appearance usually consists of basketball shorts and old hand-me-down t-shirts from Matt.

I pulled my hair into a loose ponytail and flopped down on the couch.

I heard the beeping of the microwave and groaned as I knew I had to get up just as I sat down.

I sat back down on the couch and poured the popcorn into a bowl

When we scored a touchdown I jumped up and my bowl of popcorn went flying off my lap and hit the wall.

"TOUCHDOWN WOOOO!" I screamed while jumping up and down.

"Oh shit" I said as I started picking up the popcorn pieces that I had catapulted across the room. Well that was a waste of popcorn.

When the game ended I had nothing left to do because I had to wait an hour until the soccer game starts.

I strolled into my bedroom and lied down with my laptop.

I thought about whether the new boy I had to live with was obnoxious or annoying, but what if he was cute and sweet?

Ugh, I still had 4 hours until he showed up and for fucks sake I didn't even know the boys name.

I quickly got out of bed searching through my drawers, realizing that I wouldn't make a very good first impression looking like this.

But hell what if he's ugly? I guess its a risk I'm willing to take.

I also don't want him to think I care that much, because I really don't. I care just enough to not look like a total slob.

Decisions, decisions..

I grabbed a pair of black skinny jeans matched with a navy blue tank top. It was simple enough and sure as hell looked better than hand-me-downs.

I slipped on my white converse, just in case I had to go anywhere.

I admired myself in the mirror (that's a first).

I was relieved because my hair was willing to cooperate (also a first).

This is probably the first time I actually tried to look presentable since I was like 9.

My phone buzzed in my pocket and I pulled it out.

From Matty :)

Hey! Been on the plane for 3 hours and I'm sitting next to an annoying 5 year old who won't stop poking me

I laughed.

From Carter

Aww you were hoping for a hot blonde weren't you?

From Matty :)


I laughed again and slid my phone back in my pocket

I walked back into the living room and switched it to the soccer program right when they were about to score.

Right as he was about to shoot our opponent tripped him from behind.

"Fuck that, he deserves a red card!" I yelled and stood up

I quickly sat back down as I realized we got a penalty kick.

I sat anxiously as he shot it straight into the side net corner of the goal

"WOO YEAH GOOOOAALL!!" I yelled and jumped around.

My happy dance was abruptly stopped with the sound of the door bell.

I checked my wrist watch and the exchange boy wasn't supposed to show up until 4 and it was 2:30

I opened the door about 2 inches, peeking through curiously. All I could see was a pair of bright green eyes staring at me probably wondering what the hell I was doing.

"Uh, hi I'm Harry are you Carter?" He said and smiled

I opened the door all the way and got the full image of him. He had curly brown hair which looked like he had just woken up and a dimple on each cheek. Well how adorable.

"Uh yeah, c-cmon in" I said and stepped out of his way. I'm kind of an antisocial person.

He walked in and glanced around.

"Where can I put my bags?" He asked, holding up two (very) large duffel bags.

"Upstairs, Down the hallway, second door to the left" I said

"Thank you" he said and stumbled as he tries to lift them upstairs. I heard his door shut moments later.

I stuffed my hands in my pocket.

I was going to have to live with this gorgeous boy for a whole year?

How will I survive..

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