Sweet Reverie

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  • Dedicated to feb17-apr15




“Come closer.”

Your voice resounds in my head, words that have been repeating at the back of my mind for weeks now. It feels just like yesterday when you used to whisper sweetly through my ears. I can still feel my lobes vibrate whenever your words make a sudden replay inside my brain. Painful, but I need to move on.

It started three months ago.

--------- FLASHBACK ---------

Surrounded by hot guys and girls as I dance all my depressing thoughts out at the steaming ambiance of the dance floor, my vision started spinning and slowly turning blurred. Effects of too much alcohol perhaps. I strut my way out of the wild crowd with my hands raised and finger pointing up to the roof, still feeling the pumping of the bass through my chest and the screeching sounds that the DJ is making. Party. More. More. I think I was about to pass out. But who the hell cares?

I managed to get myself a seat in front of the bar tender. He was smiling at me while nodding his head at the rhythm of the loud music, giving me looks of query if I’m still okay. I just smiled at him in return without caring about how I look after too much dancing. With my head resting over my crossed arms placed on the counter top, I can say that I’ve got no energy left in me to dance for another round. My body is craving for it though.

“Amazing energy back there.” a voice from beside me complimented in almost a shouting loudness for me to hear.

“Thank you.” I shout back a reply with a weak smile.

The shimmering lights that are roaming around the crowded room didn’t seem to get in the way for our eyes to meet. Although I can see the place spinning around fast paced, her eyes still do catch mine with that intense gaze. I got tongue tied behind my grin. Captivating.

“My friends call me Yuko.” She introduced closing her mouth beside my ear and extends her hand for a handshake.

“Yuko?” I repeated staring at her from head to toe. She seems nice. “Haruna.” I replied accepting the handshake offer.

An instant connection. We talked all night exploring not each other’s lives but about our views on almost everything under the sun. My troubled feelings slowly start to fade out as we giggled together on the funny things that we both agree on and the annoyance on the instances that we both don’t want to remember. But we still talked about it anyway. We talked and talked like we’ve been long time friends trying to catch up to the times that we haven’t been together. It’s funny and amazing at the same time. We just… clicked.

“Not going back to the dance floor?” she asked looking at the said spot, watching the people still enjoying the beat.

“Wanna go dance with me?” I joked.

“A dare? Or a dance challenge?” a smirk made way to her lips. “You’ll regret~ I’m good.”

“Oho~ Let’s see…”

My words weren’t really either of the two. It was a joke that suddenly turns into a dare and a dance challenge. But honestly, these eyes are itching to see what this girl can do. So we’re up to finally have some fun away from the seated crowd bathing in liquor and have our bodies work with rhythm.

Booming sounds of electronic music involving a variety of unexpected off-beat percussion patterns playing under the support of slow-repeating melodic phrases building up and down starts to heat our dancing engine up as we make our way to the center of the floor. Head banging lightly with every beat accompanied by rhythmic swaying of our hips allows us to pick up the mood for getting this thing done. I don’t know about her, but the still kicking effect of alcohol gives me the advantage to bring my performance up to a higher level.

Sweet ReverieWhere stories live. Discover now