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Shortly after Carlos said he was going to start watching our sessions to catch the DS pulling the trigger on one of us, and when I mean shortly I mean the very next day, he did just that. It was the day of our 12 miles road march when the DS told us we had 45 minutes to do the 12 miles, and that we were not allowed to drink from our hydration bladders. It was...I think about 120 degrees outside? We were carrying 60 pounds of equipment, before we added our issue weapons and ammunition. Mercury, myself and Nina told him that we were going to be sipping water as we marched, unless he wanted to be picking up dead bodies. He flipped out and put two in my neck which knocked me out, and four in Mercury and Nina. According to Nina, the others held the DS at gun point until Carlos showed up with the MP's and arrested him. Our training was put on hold for four days while the Court Martial took place, which ended with the DS getting a dishonorable discharge. After that, we pretty much begged Morningstar to make Carlos our DS, and Morningstar said he'd leave it up to him. The next day, which was the day we were getting back to training, we ate breakfast and when we arrived at the tarmac, Carlos was waiting. He was rough, not so rough that we were passing out from exhaustion like we had the first night. Carlos never once shouted at us, but I'd be lying if I said that man didn't scare the crap out of me just by looking me in the eyes. I was taller than he was, though not by much, and if I told you over the phone that this Mexican dude, who was smaller than I was, scared the crap out of me, you'd laugh. Make sure your Vortex from my friend's story before you start saying Carlos couldn't scare you. That man would give Jason X and Freddie Cougar nightmares for the rest of their existence. Even though he scared the shit out of all of us, we still goofed off with him after training was over, we would make stupid jokes, watch TV, play video games and do all that stuff. Fuck he would watch SpongeBob if that's what was on. Mad respect for him, best friend anyone could ask for and a Damn good DS.

Those were pretty much our days. We woke up, had breakfast, trained, the little kids went to school, we ate dinner, had free time and then went to bed. Not bad all things considered. Also, something that I found rather pleasing, Nina had stopped being so harsh towards me and had started actually trying to get to know me. I wasn't quite sure I wanted to make a move yet, and seeing as how she was my age, I figured I didn't have anything to worry about from the others, so I could afford to play it safe.

Over the next 11 weeks, which were both, the best and worst of my life, we all packed on a little bit of muscle from the PT, learned how to fly, which was a very fun time. I used to wonder how an Southern would stay airborne. Remember how Superman used to fly on his Saturday morning show? Just stick wings on his back and you get the idea. We learned tactics, such as how to clear rooms of hostiles, how to enter safely, basic and advanced cover and concealment, Martial arts, blade fighting and even how to use our liquid nitrogen, which was some awesome shit. Basically, it worked like this: your appendix was turned into "The Glass jar" (not official, just what Carlos called it) there was a set of tubes similar to blood vessels that were insulated from the cold that allowed it to come up to a muscle in the back of your throat that shot it out in a 50PSI jet stream, which Carlos said was enough to get someone through glass. We also found out that the area around the tips of our noses and the edges of our mouths had scales on them that were composed of a different type of Silicon than the rest of us, it didn't block bullets, but the LN wouldn't stick to it and freeze our mouths shut. The good thing was that as along as we had breath, we could spray LN all day long. Another cool thing was that the tubes that carried the LN ran all throughout our bodies, acting as a kind of coolant. There was an organ attached to the base of our spine near our tails that was like a thermostat, when our internal temperatures got too high, it kicked on and the LN would cool us off. Just to show us how effective it was, there was one day when we had a temperature nearing 140 degrees and Carlos dressed everyone up in Juggernaut armor and then put us through a PT course, no one overheated once. Not saying it wasn't hot, because it was, but still, wearing the armor was awesome.

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