Chapter 3

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I was officially panicking. I was on the verge of fainting. Maybe I could faint and this super cute guy aka Harry Styles would pick me up bridal style and fall in love with my beautiful peaceful face and he'd kiss me when I wake up and we'd get married and have children and live happily ever after. 

Okay, this is what happens when I panic. I don't panic like how normal humans do, instead of overthinking about the main reason behind my panic, i think about whatever that is around me in the weirdest ways possible, overthink those scenarios in my head and zone out from the rest of the world. And when I finally come back to senses, I feel so weird that I can't utter a single word. Like just right now, I basically just married a super cute stranger in my head who happens to be a celebrity and who happens to be standing right in front of me. God knows how my parents have handled me. They know I'm not a human. 

Anyway, we reached the floor and I was still in my panic-stricken fantasy world. Harry waved a hand at my face and exclaimed "Earth to Selenaaaaaaaa! You still there?"  You've got to come back to your senses when someone gets your name wrong. So I did. Finally. "It's Serena." I said with straight face. Wow. This was the first time when I could utter a word after panicking. Oh well, I guess I'm possesive of my name. "I know. You heard me wrong. I said Serena only. I guess your hearing ability fails too when you zone out." He replied and laughed. It wasn't funny. "Oh. I'm sorry. I'm just a bit nervous. So...." I explained. 

"Don't worry. Caroline and Lou are very friendly. They'll like you. And Caroline was apologizing on the phone for not sending you your ID card. Come on, now." 

"She apologized? Why? I prepared an apology speech when I was waiting downstairs. She shouldn't apologize." I was shocked, to say the least. Who expects such sweetness on your first day.

Harry just laughed as we walked in a hallway. "By the way, who is Lou?" I asked because I didn't remember if there was already another stylist working with Mrs Caroline. More chances of me being fired. That's cool. 

"Oh, She does our hair and make-up. We're almost there. You'll meet her." He answered. That's a relief. That's cooler.

We stopped in the hallway and Harry pointed towards a door "That's Caroline's office. You have to go in there. I should run to my meeting now. I'm so late." 

"Umm. Thank you so much. I would probably still be waiting downstairs or would have gone home if you didn't help me. Thank you." I said as I was about to open the door. 

"Happy to help. See you later." He smiled and I waved my hand as he ran away.

I took a deep breathe again and opened the door. Caroline was sitting with a man I didn't recognize who was wearing suit and tie, almost like a lawyer. They both looked at me and stood up. Caroline smiled and instead of complaining like I expected, started explaining "Hey, You must be Serena. I'm Caroline Watson, as you already know. I'm so sorry you had to wait for so long at the reception. I forgot to hand your ID card over to Mrs. Bell, the receptionist. I almost thought you weren't going to show up." So sweet. My heart melted, like in cartoons, at her words. If you haven't realized it yet, I like to exaggerate. "You don't have to be sorry Mrs Watson. I am sorry. " I apologized to her. 

"Oh, You're such a darling. Anyway, this is Paul. He is One Direction's manager. He's here to get your signature on some documents related to this job. Lets have a seat." She said. 

After we sat, Paul and Caroline (She asked me to call her Caroline. YAY! ) explained to me about the job. I knew most of it from the day when Caroline looked at my portfolio and interviewed me. One Direction's tour was to start next month. Since Caroline and Lou both have daughters now, they needed some help. I will have to be on the tour on most of the shows. And for this month, when One Direction will be going to press interviews and doing promotional events for their tour, I'll be with Caroline and Lou. This month is almost like a training, to get used to each member's personal style and how they are supposed to dress up. I'm not supposed to leak any personal information about 1D if I get to know. Like I was gonna sneak into their lives and eavesdrop until I found something personal and get it printed in some newspaper and enjoy my rich life. Yeah right. The best part- the pay check is grand. I have a feeling I'm gonna love this job. And an even better part- And I get to travel. Could my job be any better?

"So now that everything here is done, I'll go. Welcome to the team!" Paul said and he stood up to leave with his files. "Thank you." I replied as we shook hands.

"Just a warning, Lux and Brooklyn can be pretty handful when they are together. Lou and I will be with you most of the time, though.  So, you won't have to worry." She said after Paul left.

"Not a problem. I love kids." 

"So, I guess we should start then. You can keep your stuff at the desk over there. That will be your place when we are not on tour." She explained. 

"Okay. I didn't know I was gonna get my own desk. Thanks." I was amused actually.

Caroline laughed and explained me some other stuff. "The room right across the hall is Lou's. Many designers keep sending their clothes for the lads. When they arrive, you have to carefully place them in that room." She pointed towards a door. "That's where all the clothes are kept and the boys get their hair and make up done there too. Don't let the kids enter that room, the have hurt themselves many times with the hair equipment before. Do you wanna take a look in that room? Let's go." She answered herself.
The room was almost divided in two parts. One wall was covered with mirrors with those tables that you see at salons with 5 rotating chairs. Next to it were 2 sofas and a small table. Enough for about 8 people to sit. And then there was a long line of hangers and a pulley. So many clothes. I didn't shock me, being a fashion student, I was used to it. My friends say that I have the biggest closet ever. Wait until they see this. But I noticed something. "I don't see shoes. The shoes aren't kept here?" I asked Caroline because there was not even a single pair visible to me. "You've got good eyes. The boys usually prefer to wear there own shoes. All of this is there own too, but it's their choice. But we do have about some pairs for each of them in the back." She explained. Then we exit the room with a second door with opened to the hallway. I guess they made another door from Caroline's office to make it easier for her.
Then we headed to meet Lou Teasdale. As we entered the room, I saw a small girl, about 3 years old cry, and another girl, very small, barely a year old, playing with some weird toy. Don't judge me, I'm not a toddler. And Lou was trying to feed the crying baby with bottle of milk while she was talking on the phone. Whoo. That must be hard. Caroline ran up to Lou and took the bottle from her hands to feed the baby. Caroline took the baby, probably Lux because she didn't look anything like Caroline, into her arms and swayed her from left and right. And magically, Lux stopped crying. By then, Lou had stopped talking to whoever who was on the phone. "Thank you so much. She wouldn't stop crying and I was talking to someone important." She exclaimed and side-hugged Caroline. Geez. Now I know why they needed extra help.
She turned to me and I smiled and said "I'm Serena Thompson. Caroline's new intern." and I walked in. "Hey I'm Lou Teasdale. Nice to meet you."She said with smile and hugged me. HUGGED ME. We just met and she hugged me. Can you believe it? I can not. So many sweet people around here and I wonder why that receptionist was so mean. Huh.
And then we talked some more and when I told her I can do make up too, she was delighted. Extra help for her too.
Then we all went to Caroline's office and they told me a little bit about each of the lads, about which look they prefer and what look do they don't. "So, to sum up, Harry's look is mature and sexy. Zayn's look is bad-boy-sexy. Louis and Liam's look is normal-yet-sexy. And Niall's look is black jeans with a plain T shirt of whatever the base color for the other boys is. Right?" I asked. Yes, I learned their names when Lou showed me their photos. But they just laughed at what I said.
"Yeah, you can say so." Lou said lightly after laughing.
"So, Serena, we'll be going shopping tomorrow along with the boys. We want to see how you picture them." Caroline told me.
"Okay. I got it. I used to go shopping with clients in college too. It was a part of our projects." I replied.
I had done Fashion Styling from LCA. I've done many assignments like these.
"Oh. That's good. So, let's meet tomorrow here at 10 and then we'll go. Take your ID card from me, so you don't get into trouble again. " She laughed as she handed my card over to me.
"Thanks. I'll be here at 10." I replied.
"You can go if you want to. Today was just an introduction. We'll go shopping tomorrow. And from the day after that, the real work will start." Lou said.
"Okay. I'll go now. Looking forward to working with you." I said as I stood up.
They both smiled and waved me goodbye.
I walked out and out the building. It was just over 2pm and I decided to have some lunch. I'm coming to make sweet love to you, my love. 

As I walked towards my car, I realized what a great job I have got. Lou and Caroline both are amazing. They are so sweet. And the boys are probably fun too according to Caroline. I know Harry is because I met him. Honestly, if he didn't show up at the right time today, I would have missed out on such an amazing job. I should thank him again. I should work on my jumping-to-conclusions-problem though. I don't understand how he just laughed it off.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2017 ⏰

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