Chapter 2

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I took a deep breathe as I entered the building, Modest Managements office, in which I was supposed to meet Caroline Watson. Should I call her Mrs Watson? Or Ma'am? I'll probably be fired in a second if I call her by her name. I'll call her Ma'am. Or nothing at all. That would be the best.

A blush of embarrassment crept up to my cheeks as I realized I had been standing at the gate of the building deep in my thoughts. I walked up to the reception and asked her where could I find Mrs Caroline Watson. Calling her 'Mrs Caroline Watson' was weird.

"And who are you, may I know?" The receptionist asked in a rather annoyed tone. Huh. Rude Woman.

"I'm her new intern. It's my first day, so I don't really know where I can find her." I answered as sweetly as possible. I didn't want to annoy her on my first day. I didn't want to annoy anyone on my first day.

"Where is your ID card?" She asked.

"I haven't received any ID card yet. All I received was this appointment letter from Mrs. Caroline from her email id." I take out the email that I printed last night. Mom made me print it because apparently no one was going to recognize me as the new intern. She turned out to be right, though. Love you mom!

"I'm sorry. That won't be enough. I can't let any stranger in without their ID card. You can wait on the sofa over there and wait for Caroline's call or you can call her if you have her number." She didn't read even the letter properly. Such a rude woman. My first day is already turning out to be my last day.

I had a number. I'm not sure if it was Caroline's number or not. But it was in the email and I was supposed to call on that number if I was somehow unable to join and work under her. I decided to call as I sat on the surprisingly comfortable sofa. The number turned out to be switched off when I called. Wow. What a perfect day. I sighed in frustration.

So, I decided to wait. I didn't even know for whom I was waiting, or for what. I checked the time, it was 10:30 already. I'm half an hour late. Even if I do get to meet her now, I'm gonna be fired anyway. It's better if I just go home. Just as I got up, I saw one of the members of One Direction come in. I didn't know his name. But I knew for sure I had seen that tall guy with brown curls before when I was reading about Caroline on Google. Maybe he could help me. But I didn't even know his name. He'd probably think I am a crazy fan or something. I read about their fandom too. One hell of a crazy fandom for sure. I'm gonna lose this job anyway. Might as well try asking for his help.
I walked up to him and somehow managed to mumble "Excuse me?"
He was on his phone. He looked up with a confused face "Yeah?" .
"Hey I'm Serena." And with a sudden rush of confidence i started blurting everything out. "I'm sorry. I was supposed to meet Caroline Watson today. I'm her new intern. And the receptionist won't let me go to her because I haven't received my ID card yet. And I tried calling a number that I was given in case of some cancellations but that number is switched off. And I know you are one of the members of the band she is the stylist of. So, please help me. This is my first job- well not technically a job, i'm just an intern but you know what i mean, right? Anyway, I don't know what to do. I swear I'm not one of your obsessed fans. Please help me. You can call Mrs. Caroline to confirm; I'm sure she'll recognize my name" He pulled his hand up in the air as if trying to stop me from rambling on and on. He thinks i'm crazy for sure. I'm fired. My career goes down the hill before it even started. I should have guessed it before. Kudos to living with my parents forever and dying alone. I rock. 
"Hey, Calm down. Take a breath." He laughed. He laughed. HE LAUGHED. How dare he laugh at me? At my misery? Everyone here is rude. Huh. What a rude guy. I hate him.
"I remember Caroline said something about a new assistant. I'll call her and let her know. She'll send someone here to help you. But I gotta run now. I'm late for a meeting." He replied. Oh dear band boy, I wish I could wait longer. "Wait. Can you call her right now please? I'm late too. I was supposed to meet her at 10. But look at what the time is. Please. I cannot wait any longer." I almost begged.
"Fine. Just a sec." He sighed and called someone from his phone.
The next I heard shocked me beyond anything that has ever shocked me.
He said "Hey baby boo. How is my darling doing?"
Did he really just call his stylist 'Baby Boo'? His darling? What the bloody hell. Caroline is more than twice his age. Is he nuts? 
He laughed at something and said "So, there is someone standing in the hall downstairs and says she is your new intern? She has been waiting for quite a while. Her name is Serena."
He listened to whatever the person on the other line said. "Yeah. Okay. She doesn't have her ID card......Okay..... Hmm I'll bring her up along with me. Sure." I still wasn't over the shock yet. 

"Why are you staring at me? I'm helping you." He looked at me weird. Boy do I need to tell you why I am staring at you? "Did you just call Mrs. Caroline 'baby boo' and your 'darling'?" 

All of a sudden he started laughing. Like, he laughed so hard that the receptionist started staring at us.

"Woah. Back up, dude. What's so funny?" I couldn't take it. I should be laughing at him, at this madhouse of a place. Why does he get to laugh. Oh my god i wish i never got out of bed today morning. I wanted to smack the curls off his head.

He kept on laughing and everyone was staring at me. Not him, because he's 'that' singer. Everyone probably knows him. I made a sign of I-don't-know-him to the people who were staring, shrugging my shoulders and stepping away from him.

He finally stopped laughing and answered me "That was Brooklyn who answered the call first. Caroline's daughter. She just learned how to pick up a phone. So, that's why..." And the realization dawned upon me. I felt so embarrassed. I probably looked like a tomato. "oh shit. I'm sorry. I just.. I don't know. I'm really sorry. I'm such an idiot." I should just walk out the door right away. I don't need a job, i can live off of my parents. It's better than embarrassing myself everywhere i go.   

"It's okay. I had quite a laugh. But you'll have to make it up to me." He winked. "Anyway, Caroline has been waiting for you too. She has your ID card. I'll take you to her. Come on." He started walking and I followed him.
As we enter the lift, I couldn't help but feel embarrassed again. "I really am sorry. I shouldn't have judged." I apologized again.
"It's okay, Serena. But remember you have to make it up later."
How was I supposed to make it up to him? Buy him a unicorn? His iPhone cover says he loves them.
"Uhh. Okay. Thanks.. I didn't catch your name, by the way. I'm sorry. I forget names easily." I blushed again in embarrassment. Wow. I've embarrassed myself quite enough today. And it's not even 11am yet. I pat myself on the back in my imagination. Going good, Serena.
"Ohh. You don't know me? I'm Harry. Harry Styles." He extended his towards me as a formal introduction.
I shook his hand and replied "Nice to meet you, Harry."
He smiled. I didn't realize he had dimples. Cute guy.

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