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"Shut up or i'll kill you, Riku." Tsuna say with a sadistic smile.

"Riku, you are--" Itsuki say, but Riku was not on her place before.

"She ran away." Ryuka say, smiling.

"Na, Ryuka! I have a plan! Mind hear me out?" Tsuna say calling Ryuka.

"Of course, Tsunayoshi~" Ryuka say and fly to Tsuna with the bat's wing on her head.

"When you meet with Ie-nii i want you to ....bla bla bla.... Got it?" Tsuna ask, smiling innocently.

"Of course~ That's a fun idea!" Ryuka say, showing her fangs.

"Waah, it's unusual for you to show your fangs." Riku exclaim.

"Ne ne~ Kiiro want to go out and fight the one that same Aho Dera and Takeshi!" Kiiro say, jumping in front of Tsuna and Riku.

"Who are you calling Aho Dera?!" Was what Hayato yelling behind, but really ignored.

"Oh you mean Tohaya and Shitake? Sure, why not. But just fight 1 person, 2 person is too much." Tsuna say.

"Heee Nande nande nande?" Kiiro pouted.

"Even though you are smart, you still clumsy, and you are slow poke. You are still 11 years old." Gen say.

"Plus you can't use flame and box weapon because it's not your type. And also, you are half human hal puppet / doll." Hayato continue.

"Onii-chan and Aho dera meany!!!" Kiiro cried.

"That's the fact." Tsuna say sighing.

"Onii! Onii!! Onii!!! Demon!!!!" Kiiro kept on yelling that.

"It's really fun there~ I want to go there too~!" Byakuran say.

"Then who will do the job?" Itsuki ask.

"Gen or Itsuki." Riku say cheerfully.

Gen brighten up.

Itsuki just confuse.

"Jaa, Itsuki!" Byakuran exclaim. Itsuki still confuse, while Gen got back into the corner.

"Both." Riku say.

"Okay!" Tsuna say.


"I-I-It's not me.." Kiiro say, holding her stomach.

"I-It's not me too!" Lambo say, blushing.

"Sure, let's go eat." Tsuna say, chuckling.



Place : The hideout

Time : While Tsuna and the other eat

"Lesson 1, open this box weapon. If you didn't success, i won't teach you." Lal say.

"Anoo!" Shitake say.

"What is it?" Lal ask.

"I didn't understand!!" Shitake say, grinning.

"Then.. *walk to Shitake* UNDERSTAND IT STUPID!!" Lal say and punch Shitake.

"Shitake!!" Ie yell, looking at the very very very very far Shitake (He is already become a star :v)

"Lit your flames." Lal say, or rather demanded.

"H-How?" Ie ask.

"Resolve to a flame! That is what Ten year later Yamamoto told me!!" Tohaya exclaim. And soon he started to mutter the word 'Resolve to flame, resolve to flame..'

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