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Yeay! 50th part!
The longest part i have ever write~

Oh yeah, and chapter before is Mist and Cloud. Just like Cloud and Sun in the original movie. Like that.

Now, is the test of the Sun Guardian!

Chapter 40 : Carefull on what you pick..


"I wonder what is Onii-san's test will be.." Ieyasu mutter. He is currently walking to the school with Tohaya and Shitake.

"You say something, Ie?" Shitake ask. Grinning like an idiot.

"Nothing, just thinking something." Ie answer smiling.

At boxing club room..

"Oh, are you Sasagawa Ryoken?" A priest ask. (Knuckle)

"Yes!" Ryoken answer.

"Then, come to the Namimori Shrine after school. Your test will be held there!" Knuckle say before disappearing.

"Time to tell Sawada and the others!" Ryoken say running outside.

As soon as he met Ieyasu, he tell him what Knuckle say.

In class, Ie was dpacing out about Tsuna. He is still worried. But soon, he was drifted to the world of dreams.

"Tsu! Let's play ball!!" Little Ie say happily with a orange ball in his hands.

"I'm still reading a book, Ie-nii.." Little Tsuna sigh and pout slightly.

"Aww, come on Tsu!" Little Ie say, insist to play.

"Okay, okay.." Little Tsuna answer with a pout. Little Tsuna then close the book and get up then walk to his Ie-nii.

-Line break

"Where's Cielo?" Tempesta ask.

"Sshh.. He's sleeping." Giotto answer.

Cielo was sleeping peacefully. But his face suddenly became horror.

"Ie-nii! Watch out!!" Little Tsuna cried.

"Tsu!!" Little Ie yell.

"Hm? What's this? Vongola's descendant are so weak." A man laugh.

Little Ie was held by that person while Little Tsuna was hurt in the ground.

-Line break

"Tsu!! Let me go!!" Little Ie yell, strungling to get off from the man's grip.

"No way, you will be good subject as the Estraneo Famiglia." The man say.

"Estrano? I don't care!! Let me go!! Tsu!!!" Little Ie kept on shouting. Little Tsuna slowly got up and trying to attack the man, but he is still at least seven years old so it's imposible. But then a portal was opened. A baby with bandages come out.

"Marcil from Estraneo Famiglia. You have broke the law. Vindice will bring you to Vendicare." The baby say.

"Tch, damn Vindice!" The man who is now known as Marcil yell. His neck was being chained by one of the man behind the baby. He was dragged to the portal.

"Ie! Homeroom already finish!" Shitake shake Ie.

"Huh?" Ie ask.

"Time for senpai's test!" Shitake grinned.

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