Chapter 3 - Confusion

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Chapter 3 – Confusion

The next morning, Gaara was roused out of his light sleep by the faint creaking sound of his bedroom door opening. His black-ringed, turquoise eyes cracked open to see Hitori's head popping in and she leant over to place what looked a piece of paper on the desk that was just a little bit inside the doorway. When the door suddenly creaked even more, she winced silently and looked over to him and almost yelped, seeing that he was awake.

"Heh, sorry. I was just leaving a note to tell you I'd left to go to the hospital. Ja ne." she scratched the back of her head awkwardly and began to slide back through the door.

Unfortunately, this was the worst state she could catch him in. Not just because after she had left his room last night, he had actually gathered up the energy to shower, but he didn't bother putting clothes on, so he was quite naked at the moment, aside from the blanket covering him. No, it was because when he was 'woken' and got to that proverbial half-asleep, half-awake state that you're in straight after waking up, was almost tripled with him since he barely slept. The one where whatever you said or did had no thought process behind it, and usually no logic, or common sense either. So usually, it made absolutely no sense at all.

"After you finish, come back here. With your things." he mumbled, mostly muffled by half his head being squished in the pillow. Even after he said it, he didn't really realise what he said, instead just rolled over and sighed tiredly.

Hitori rose an eyebrow and the rest of her face slowly contorted with confusion as she tried to understand what he meant. She shook her head and didn't bother, only making a small sound of acknowledgement before slipping back out and shutting the door behind her. He must sleep as lightly as I do...she thought as she absent-mindedly walked down the hall way and straight out the front door.

She needed to quickly run home and change before she went over to the hospital, and it only took her a few minutes to go there, and throw on some clean clothes before heading over to the hospital. The faint smell of blood, disinfectant and everything other scent that defined shinobi hit her nostrils as soon as she opened the door and much to her surprise she was greeted directly by the head medic, who had a bright smile on her face.

Feeling very much out of place to be the centre of attention, Hitori walked through the halls to Ashinami's room. He had been transferred from the intensive care ward to the regular part of the hospital where most shinobi went to heal from injuries they got on missions last night since his condition had improved so much.

The door to his room was open and she strolled in to find him awake and drinking some water. Instantly, he recognised the description that his assigned medic had given of the amazing medic nin that had casually strolled on into his room and saved his life. Funnily enough, his medic was a male and he had been telling him since he woke up early this morning about how attractive she was. And he was so right. There was 20 bucks gone.

A small smirk came across her face seeing him recovering so quickly and she walked fully in the room and closed the door behind her.

"How are you feeling?" she asked him nonchalantly with a blank expression, and crossed her arms as she leant up against the wall.

"I'm not too bad...all thanks to you." his eyes landed on her pale-grey orbs and she smirked again.

She pushed off the wall and walked over to his bedside and her hands hovered over his chest, glowing green to check out how he was really doing. Luckily enough, he was actually healing up very well. The medicine had worked well, and it would be in his system, helping him heal for a few more hours. They made basic small talk about what actually happened while she treated him when he was first admitted as well as his various injuries, and he actually seemed like a pretty decent guy, if a little shy.

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