What To Do?

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TAENG WAKE UP KID!!!!!" a loud voice was audible on Kim's mansion as Mr. Kim excitedly greets his son early in the morning and ready to announce a good news for him.

Meanwhile, Taeyeon was rolling around on his comfy bed while burying his face on the pillow probably annoyed by his father's loudness. A loud bang of his door startled him as his beloved father hugged him tightly and a wide smile appeared on his face.

"You're gonna be married to Mr. Hwang's daughter this month and he approved it!!!!" Taeng furrowed his brows and looked at his father in disbelief as he couldn't imagine himself to be married at his young age.

"DAD I WASN'T READY TO BE MARRIED AND WHAT DO YOU EXPECT ME ON THIS KIND OF SITUATION AND MR. HWANG'S DAUGHTER WAS TOO OLD FOR ME!!!!" Taeyeon grumbled and couldn't digests the word of marriage for his young age. He doesn't even know how to take care of babies also he was afraid to touched them and scares them away he also doesn't know how to worked on their own company doing daily reports and stuffs. He pitied the woman who'll gonna end up with him.

"Don't worry kid! Tiffany will definitely handle situation and took care of you since she was older than you and much mature to you. I trusts this Hwang's daughter and remember that I'm old enough to worked under the company so in a short time I will passed our company in your care when you reached the right age. I can't wait to see my grandchildern." Mr. Kim's eye lit up as he imagine his son already had his own family and happily married with Tiffany.

"APPA!!!!! I WON'T DO IT." Taeyeon slumped his body on the mattress and roll on the other side to avoid his father and pretend to sleep.

"OKAY! BUT PREPARE YOURSELF TO BE ISOLATED IN YOUR ROOM WITH NO WIFI, VIDEO GAMES, ICE CREAM AND GUMMY BEARS FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE!" Mr. Kim threatened his own son but it makes Taeyeon to face him with his eyes wide-open as he couldn't believe his father would treat him like this.


A gorgeous woman who has a CEO look was sitting on the table near the window and probably waiting for someone while sipping her black coffee and browse her Ipad for intersting news about the economy and stock market.

"E..ehem..Ms. Hwang?" Taeyeon scratched his non-itchy nape while looking at Tiffany who was sitting there for almost an hour. She shoots a sharp glare at the poor boy who was lowering his head apologetically for being late. She didn't utter a word and continue her business while the boy was still standing and fidgetting like a lost puppy who lost in the city.

"SIT!" Hwang spoke in a sharp voice made the boy trembling in fear. She furrowed her brows as she saw the boy didn't obey her words.

"I said SIT are you deaf?? Aish! I couldn't believe that my fiture husband was totally a pain in the neck and has a face of a kid that looks like I'm too old for you probably a pedophile." Tiffany took a deep breath and massaging her temple as she looked at her future husband who seems like a kid.

"Yah! What is that supposed to be mean?? I was old enough to protect you from bad guys and I'm not a baby anymore." Taeyeon pouts as he crosses his arms in annoyance of Hwang's words. Tiffany hide her smile while looking at him. He was cute when he does that! Yah! What are you thinking Hwang? Still he was a kid on his actions! Hmp! Tiffany thought to herself.

"Well, I expect that Mr. Kim told you everything about this shotgun marriage?" Tiffany continue sipping her coffee while Taeyeon took his seat across her.

"Yeah and I'm sorry on behalf of my father." Taeyeon calmy said while waving for the waiter and take an order for him.

"I want pancakes with choco syrup and a chocomint ice cream with sprinkles on top. Oh~ and additional choco syrup and marshamallow on it. Thanks!" Taeyeon said with excitement on his voice and acts like a kid infront of his future wife while the figure across him trying hard to suppressed her laugh looking at him. Cute!

"Sorry but I have to go now for an urgent meeting at the company." Tiffany glanced at her rolex watch and suddenly took her purse to fished out the bill for her food when Taeyeon stopped him.

"I pay. Just go and Taeyeon is my name." Tiffany flashes him an eyesmile while mouthing Thank You and suddenly exits but she glance again at his future husband's back figure before finally reached her way out.

"This is gonna be tough than I thought but it's also a way to forget my pain inside." Tiffany sighed while make her way to the pink sports car parked infront of the cafe.

"Darn! I couldn't imagine being married I don't know how to keep this from the gang." Taeyeon trapping on his own thought while thinking his way out of this marriage.

A/N: Sorry guys it tooks a long time to update because I have too many ideas on mind and couldn't put it into words. Thank you for your comment and votes. Keep supporting my stories.


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