You're still my wife

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Taeyeon was driving fast heading to Jessica's apartment. He checked her every day before and after his school. He also accompanied her to have a daily check-up with her ob-gyne, he was too caring for the child inside Jessica's womb.

He parked his Porsche boxster and made his way to Jessica's, in just one ring she quickly open the door and jumped into him, she was so excited to see Taeyeon regardless of their messy situation. He sighed before showing his fake smile into her but she knew that he was only concerned because of the child and not her, but she gladly accept it without hesitation.

"Be careful noona or the baby might get hurt inside, you're too excited to see me, huh?" He caresses her stomach and gave it a soft kiss. Jessica was so touch for Taeyeon's affection towards her.

"T-Thank you, Taengoo for taking care of us." She said with a teary eyes and gently cupping his baby face. She wanted him all alone but of couse it was too impossible for them to be together, he was married to her ex-bestfriend at the first place. She knew sooner or later they will encounter each other in a bad way so she always prepared for that.

"No, noona you don't have to thank me it was my responsibility as a father of our child." Taeyeon squeezes her hand and gave him a genuine smile but it was killing him inside, he felt guilty towards Tiffany and Jessica. He ruined their friendship because of his stupidity, he screwed everything they had as a friends.

"So when is your next visit to Dr. Kang?" He asked as he stormed inside on the kitchen, he will cooked dinner for Jessica before leaving her again. He doesn't stay on her apartment but he always cooked and visited her everyday and Mr  Kim always giving him an allowance for him and Jessica.

"What is the menu for today, Taengoo?" She was backhugging Taeyeon while he was rummaging every cabinet on the kitchen for food.

"Do you like something, Sooyeon?" Taeyeon asked while still looking for kitchen utensils to be used later, she was happy that he always concern at her.

"A-Ahm, I think I want you now~" She whispered with soft tone voice made him to looked at her in disbelief.

"Preggy woman was too aggressive, huh? I think Dad was right." He chuckled while hugging her and leads her to sat on the couch to rest.

"Ouch!" She slapped him on his arms causing him to shriek.

"And violent too." He swiftly stormed back inside the kitchen while bursting into laugh escaping HellSica.

"You get it after we eat, Taengoo!" Jessica yelled after the dorky kid leave her, resting her body on the couch.


11:39 P.M.

Tiffany was sitting on the kitchen counter while finishing her first bottle of champagne, she was a wasted. She lit her cigarette and smoke, she already stopped smoking a year ago but she was stressed now. Picking up her phone to see if there's a message but Taeyeon didn't texted her after he leave somewhere, she throw her phone and crashed against the painted wall.

"Damn!" She took a shot from the second bottle of champagne before slamming her sore hands on the counter, it was bleeding because she smashed the mirror of their bathroom awhile ago, she let out her anger and she had a habit to crashed something near her.

"Argh! Shit!" She groaned looking into her bleeding hands but shrugged it off and continued to drank her liquor when the front door creaked open and Taeyeon appears.

"Fany-ah you're still awake and why didn't you turn on the light here." Taeyeon saw her wife drinking alone in the dark kitchen.Tiffany acted like she didn't heard him and continued her business and the husband slowly approached her with a worried look on his eyes.

"OH MY GOD! YOU'RE HANDS BLEED???!!!! WHAT HAPPEN???" He was freaking out seeing bloods on her sore hands and keeps on bleeding but Tiffany didn't bother to looked at him and still smoking her cigarette.

"Oh, so you still care about me, you asshole? Damn you! Get out of ny sight N.O.W!" She threatened him but he was still unmoved and looking at her with straight face.

"LET ME GO, YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE!!!!!" She keeps on pushing him away but Taeyeon gripped her hands tightly with flaming eyes, he doesn't want to be harsh and hurts her but she was too stubborn so he have no choice but to be a dominant one.

"STOP IT HWANG TIFFANY OR I'LL CALL OFF THIS MARRIAGE IMMEDIATELY!!!!" He firebacked at her made Tiffany to stopped her movement and avoiding his angry look at her as she was now burst into tears while he was still holding her.

"I-I'm sorry I didn't mean it but you're too stubborn to listen at me." Taeyeon let out a soft tone not to scared Tiffany away.

"I-I accept the divorce, Kim Taeyeon." She finally answered letting her head down and still her eyes fixed on the floor. He was shocked by her words and loosened his gripped into hers.

They accompanied by silence for awhile before Taeyeon cupped her face and places a kiss on her luscious lips that tasted like strawberry. She didn't kissed back at first but seems the spirit of alcohol took her over and they shared a passionate kiss, she encircled her arms into his neck and he lifted her up encircling her legs into his waist before heading to the bedroom.

Sunlight piercing through the curtain blinds of the room where two naked bodies tangled under the blanket. Tiffany was sleeping soundly against Taeyeon's bare chest while his left arm serves as her head pillow and the other hand hugging her waist to keep her bared body warm. He stirred because of he felt a sore on his arms causing him to opened his eyes and see the most gorgeous woman beside him, he smiles from ear to ear before wiping away her hair covering the pretty face he wanted to see everyday.

"I still love you, my wife." He stated placing a gentle kiss on her forehead down to her nose before he pecked into her lips. She stirred and slowly opened her crescents seeing a brown orbs staring at her with love and affection, she flashes her eyesmile and kissed him on his lips.

"You're lips was addicted that I couldn't resist." Taeyeon dorkily said made her flushed, she quickly covered her face with a blanket but he grabbed it fast to reveals his wife's flushed face.

"Someone's getting shy now." He teased and received a smacked on his forehead causing him to yelped.

"Yah? I forgot to treat your bleeding hands. Let me see it?" Taeyeon grabbed her injured hands and checked that it was still sore and bleeds. She was blushing again seeing her husband full of concern.

"I wonder how you still managed to grabbed my hair hard while you have this? You're way too strong last night I thought I was going bald today." He joked and she punched him hard straight to his face causing his nose to bleed.

"Owwww. YAH! WHY YOU HWANG TIFFANY!!!!!" Taeyeon shouted but Tiffany already stormed inside her bathroom while covering her bared body with a blanket leaving him naked on the bed.


A/N: So how's your day my dear readers? Guess, I don't want to divorce them either besides you requested it too. Hehehehe. My story was still depend of what my readers want.

See you on the next chapter and thank you for your votes and comments. I was now waiting for any updates regarding SNSD Phantasia concert in Philippines so if you have any information about it kindly informed me too. Kamsahamnida.

With Love,


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