quick [ sebaek ]

658 33 5

"we broke up."

sehun's eyes widened, as if the news seemed impossible. "with chanyeol hyung?"

"who else, dumbass." baekhyun rolled his eyes at the younger and grabbed its bubble tea before sipping some.

sehun just blinked a few times and continued staring at his hyung in silence.

"y-yah! stop staring."

he's so whiny. the maknae smiled and grabbed his bubble tea from the older. "hyung--"

"baekhyun." they heard a really deep voice from the kitchen's doorway, and it was no other than chanyeol. "just because i gave you the same eyeliner i got you three months ago doesn't mean i love you any less."

"shut up!" baekhyun went behind the younger male, bubble tea still in his hands. "gosh it has only been a few minutes!"


chanyeol grabbed baekhyun's shirt and turned to sehun. "please stay out of this hun. this midget here is just playing hard to get."

he obeyed his hyung, stepping aside so chanyeol can easily carry the small guy in his arms as it whined even more. "you giant! if you want to make up with me, say it nicely!"

and sehun was left there, shaking his head with a sad smile, his hopes for another one of his hyungs quickly gone as quick as it appeared.

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sehun is always broken hearted lmao his otp hyungs are annoying ㅋㅋㅋ

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