Day 8 <~> Shopping

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This isn't going to be normal shopping...


Word Count: 896


<Jack's Perspective>


Night time was a beautiful when shopping, it was one of my favorite things, to go walking the sidewalk of Los Angeles with Mark, laughing at some of the mannequins outfits. (which, I tell you, were very ugly.) Mark had been cringing at each mannequin that had seemed like it was looking or gesturing towards us, which caused me to laugh.

"Mark, they're fake, they won't hurt you!" I chuckled.

"I'm not afraid of them! it's just, they're gross." he answered. I put my hands on my hips.

"And how are they 'gross'?" I raised an eyebrow

"You know those people who have Tryptophobia?-"

"Trypophobia?" I corrected him.

"Yeah that, and they get all grossed out around clusters of holes like beehives and stuff?" I nodded.

"That's how it is for me with mannequins." He finished his now more understandable explanation. We walked on until we reached an alley. Mark had walked on, leaving me behind to the dark crevice between buildings, letting my curiosity getting to me easily and quickly to the dimmed red light in there. I walked cautiously in the alley. I found that the light had been dropped, a small flashlight with the color filter swapped, as if it was to lure someone (me) into the alley. 

"Jack?" I heard from the distance, looking back I was about to answer until someone grabbed my arms, pulling them behind my back, causing me to struggle from the stronger grip. Everything was a fast blur as I tried to scream for Mark, until the stranger put cloth over my mouth, ceasing my shouts, and ceasing my consciousness. 

I woke up in a dim lit room, or for what I thought, I was blindfolded. I tried to squirm out but my arms were tied to a pole. I heard some people laugh and call me an 'idiot' for some reason.

Until I realized.

This was human trafficking.

I heard about it, but it was very rare in Ireland, and it was easy to track it down, and even the four years of being in Los Angeles, I had never even got the slightest hint of being kidnapped, except for the feeling of someone behind my back, but that was Mark, right?

"You see, Sean." How did he know my name? He couldn't have taken my wallet, it was with Mark.

"We've been watching you, spying on you and your companion, and we believe, you would be great for a toy." Oh dear God, they've seen it all, haven't they? From probably the starting of our relationship, to when we held hands, to, when, we did...

that, because I wouldn't give up his shirt. I whimpered through the blooded piece of rag, earning a slap.

"Now, it's time to auction." the raspy voice finished.

"I'll take him." A voice ripped from the excited chatter.

"Young Anonymous in the back, how much?" 

"120." the man answered, now much closer.

"Sorry, humans are valuable, I'll need more than that." The men had a angered conversation about how much I costed.

"fine, 2,400." The man gave up.

"Great. Now." The bandage was ripped off my face as I screamed, earning another slap. I turned to look at the man who kept hurting me, seeing a thing all dressed in black, a bloody pig mask strapped to where it's face should be. I then looked to the man who I was going to be sold to (and probably get raped by) in front of me, it was a usual 'Guy Fawkes Vendetta' mask, only it was more white, the cheeks more rosy.

"Alright, thank you."

"The payment?" The pig spoke.

"Yeah-- Alright." He reminded himself

"Guys." He called, out. I could hear the shouts.

"This is the police!" The under-covers screamed, dropping their disguise to show the full L.A.P.D. outfits. all the masked ran, except for the 'Fawkes' guy. His gloved hand lifted the mask to reveal a tanned face, chiseled features, scraggly facial hair, chocolate brown eyes, and the best of it all, the reassuring faded pink hair that I loved so much.

"Mark!" I whispered when he untied the bloody rag from my mouth. He grabbed my waist and pulled me close into a tight hug, and letting me do the same to his neck. Tears fell down as I realized the chances that Mark wouldn't have been here, which would be very plausible, but he never gave up. no matter what, He had lifted me up even in the deepest of lows, and now, he had saved my life. What else could I wish for? I had found my perfect, my high, and my savior.



"You know I love you."


"Can you carry me home?" He laughed.

"Yeah." I didn't think he would do it, but he did, avoiding the weird looks people were giving him. One person even asked if I had passed out from being to drunk! 

We had finally gotten home and I grabbed his hand, pulling him to the bedroom. I threw him on the bed and jumped on the bed, wrapping my arms around his waist, letting my eyes flutter close.

Never have I ever been so happy to cuddle with Mark.

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