Miss.Happiness - [Getting the Job]

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I sat nervously in front of the CEO's office. My hands were shaking and my heart was racing and my palms were sweating and I felt sick to my stomach.

I've done interviews before. Tons of times. But all of the experiences didn't really help me feel better. It's a lie when they say you can get used to it. I mean, you're meeting with a stranger who's going to judge you on pretty much everything you've done in your life thus far and tell you whether or not you're worthy of joining them in what they're doing. You just can't get used to that.

Well, at least, I can't.

Hi, I'm Melina Natari and I'm a nervous wreck.

Okay, maybe not always but I definitely was right now.

I'm a twenty-two year old girl who just graduated from a great university and was desperately looking for a job.

And that meant that I had done a lot of interviews in the last month or so... but as I said before, those didn't help cut down my nervousness levels.

"Miss. Melina Natari, you can come in." I heard a voice say.

I attempted to gulp back my fear, failed, but got up and walked into the office anyways.

The person sitting behind the CEO sign on the desk was a lovely, but scary looking, woman. She watched me as I walked towards her with her dark, grey eyes but smiled a tiny smile only once I reached out to shake her hand and handed her my folder of things.

Her black hair was slicked back into a bun at the very back of her head and not a single hair slipped out of that bun. Clearly she was a neat woman... and this could also be seen in the fact that there seemed to be nothing out of place in her office.

The second I sat down, she got down to business.

"So, Miss. Natari, welcome to the WorldsAway Company," she said, "my name is Nylah Vancura."

I smiled. "Thank you, and it's a pleasure to finally meet you!"

"Why don't we start off with why you applied to my company?" She held her hands together and placed them over my folder.

"Oh, um..." I took a breath, trying to calm myself down.

I could do this.

I knew I could.

"I've been a part of the WorldsAway community for five or six years now... I'm a big reader. I don't really write but I love to read, so I used your website a lot," I started. "I thought it would be amazing if I could get a job at the company of the website that I spend so much time on. And I really love the concept that your company grew off of... the idea of reaching out to people in need of help through stories. I thought it was a beautiful idea and wanted to be a part of that."

"Yes... I read that in your application." She said as she picked up a paper that was on her desk.

I took a breath, seeing that it was my application.

The truth is... I never imagined that I would get called in for an interview at this company.

In the midst of applying to a bunch of places for a job so I could save up money to return to school and get a Masters Degree, I realized nothing seemed to be for me.

Then my best friends suggested I apply to the company behind the story website that I've spend eighty percent of the last couple years of my life on. I thought it was a genius idea... but then I opened up the We're Hiring page and realized that all the jobs had something to do with computer programming or marketing... both of which I knew nothing about.

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