Miss.Happiness - [The Holiday Party]

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I had a very busy weekend, like, actually. It was filled with me making preparations for the holiday party on Monday. I had to make a lot of calls and do a lot of last minute preparations because I was determined to make this one work out... not like the Halloween Party.

The Holiday Party was going to be amazing.

The general agenda for the party consisted of the following: Getting everyone in, mixing and mingling and then sitting between 5pm and 5:30pm, a magic show and various other performances from 5:30pm to 6:30pm, dinner from 6:30pm to 7:30pm, then partying and dancing and all that kind of fun stuff from 7:30pm to midnight.

Nylah made a lot of suggestions that helped a lot. She mentioned to me that ninety percent of the staff at WorldsAway are young and would prefer to be doing young people stuff, which basically involved drinking and partying. This was why I made sure that most of the evening was spent doing just that.

There was also going to be a photo booth, a video game section, an adult craft section, and of course a DJ. But despite having a lot of things going on at once, which basically meant everyone would have something to do, I was still terrified.

Thara was certain that it was going to be amazing. She told me that they had never done anything like this before ever. And once Ethan hung up to posters he made and I sent out the email invitations... everyone who RSVP'd seemed to be looking forward to it.

But I was still terrified.

Jade was an angel and a half with all the help she was giving me, even though she wouldn't get paid for it. Since we had a lot of money left over, because of the fact that the vendors were decorating for free, I decided to use it to purchase gifts for all the people who come to the party on behalf of Nylah. She liked the idea and even helped by ordering a bunch of mugs, candles, pens and pencils, key chains and even laptop stickers, all with the WorldsAway logo printed on them.

The only problem with this was that I had to wrap them all up.

I loved wrapping gifts though, so it was a lot of fun. It just took a long time, but thanks to Jade it went by a lot faster.

Anyhow, aside from that, I was kind of excited. Even though she was kind of scary, it was so easy to work with Nylah... she was always very supportive and rational. Plus, she seemed to be excited for the party too.

On the Monday of the party, I was running around like a crazy person. I booked out a banquet hall for the event and thankfully when I got there, it was already completely decorated by the decorators and they definitely did a good job. I had to admit that they totally made up for their mess up on Halloween.

But with Thara's help, I finished setting everything up and at five o'clock we were totally ready to party.

Ethan and Nile both arrived exactly at five and while I spoke with the magician they entered the hall and looked around. When I was done letting the magician know when he was to start the show, I walked over to the two boys with a grin, "what do you think?"

Nile was looking around, nodding his head, "I like the videogame section."

I chuckled.

"The decorators did a really great job, eh?" Ethan said, looking around, "It's amazing."

I nodded, "I'm so grateful it turned out well!"

And almost immediately after I said that, the hall began to fill up.

The show went on remarkably. At the start, after welcoming everyone and telling them what their night was going to consist of, I was worried a bit because some people looked skeptical when it came to the magic show. But after seeing it, people were laughing and cheering and definitely having a good time.

The rest of the performances were performances done by other employees. The showcased their talents which I never even knew they had.

Jace played his guitar and sang. He was amazing. I imagined him being a total heartthrob when he was younger. He still may have been, of course, since he was a super cute guy.

A girl named Sheena, who I noticed worked a lot with Nile since they were both programmers, played the violin for everyone. God was she phenomenal. Her playing was so beautiful that I was literally in tears.

Another girl named Lillian and a young man named Arunn did this amazing dance together. That was a lot of fun and had everyone singing and dancing.

There wasn't a rehearsal or anything like that, but despite that, the show went great. I was so relieved.

So next up was dinner.

The tables were arranged in two long lines and I noticed that most of the people who worked at the ninth floor sat together and the people on the other floor sat at the other table. Of course, I expected that, since the people were probably more comfortable with the people they worked with and knew better. But dinner was served as expected and nothing went wrong there.

Everyone loved the food and there were absolutely no complaints.

Of course, I sat with Thara. And since Thara sat with her boyfriend and Nile that meant the four of us sat together, obviously. With Ethan's jokes we were all laughing a lot and having fun... and with that, the most stressful part of the party had come to an end.

Now it was time for just fun, fun and more fun.

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