Saturday morning the day began, I woke up with a struggle and a long yawn. So I stumbled out of my benefit bed (yes from ikea) and went down stairs to get my sainsburys own chocolate that my mum bought with her nectar card - it was 21 nectar points! I shoved it down my gob and pegged it to school. As I was about to leave my mum grabbed her weekly benefit money and handed it over saying "that better last you all week or your dead meat! ... You here me " she shouted. I mean it was only £1.99, that is not enough for the whole week but anyways like I said I pegged it to school with my Nike air max 5.0. It was raining and I swear to god of they get muddy, I'm gonna cry! My mum spent 2 years saving up for them. I rushed past these dogs and there were traces of cookie ashes. I barged past Mhairi and I asked "what did Garreth sayyyy? " because I needed to know if Mrs kettles was doing PE. Mhairi always lies, the little scrounger!