• chapter two.

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[ niall's pov]

I felt like I wanted to bash my face into a wall. I was sitting here-- On a Saturday waiting for these kids to get here. Usually I'm not a "bummer" or whatever but it's a Saturday and I could be home laying in bed while eating food. I leaned back in my seat and glanced over at Liam, he was creating a schedule for the kids while also once in a while, looking up from his papers and to Louis who was sketching something in a book. "This feels like detention and I hate it," I spoke up; groaning afterwards. "I wanna go home."

"We can go home." I heard Liam say, making me smile widely at him. "Seriously? Thank god!" Liam grinned softly at me. "After we show the kids around." I should have seriously seen that coming but I was busy imagining my 3DS, pizzarolls, and a pepsi served to me on a sliver platter. After another boring 30 minutes; the kids still haven't arrived and it was now 11 PM. "I'm going to sue someone." I murmured, laying my head down on the desk.

As if magic was in the air, there was a light knock at the door. "Mr. Payne? You ready for the kids now or what?" Liam got up from his seat and brushed his shirt off. "Send em' in!" The door swung open and 5 kids walked in. "Show them around, and then you're free to leave. Have fun, be nice," The Principal smiled, then looked at me. "Especially you, Niall." She knew I hated new people and she thought this was so amusing. I'm an anti-social person what does she want from me? We already took my freedom and won't give it back till the end of the damn year.

"My name is Liam, this is Louis," Liam smiled pointing to himself then Louis. "And that kid over there is Niall. He's being a bum so if he complains, I'm terribly sorry." I scoffed and sat up. "Sorry that I'm "being a bum" I would just rather be home." The news kids laughed softly. There were stickers on their shirts from what countries they came from. 4 was from Australia and 1 was from the UK.

"My name is Ashton, these are my friends: Calum, Michael, and Luke." One kid smiled, he was clearly Australian and he pointed to the other Australian kids so I put the pieces together easily. "I'm Harry." The last kid said, smiling lightly. He was kinda cute but damn was this kid tall. "I probably look like an ant to you, don't I?" I thought. "Jesus what are with your hands?! Can I like, hold one? Or like, lick one? Either is good. Oh my god I have issues." I shook my head at my own thoughts. I really do have issues. Problems of being single. "There's a kid missing? Who's Zayn Malik?" Harry raised his hand. "My mate. He kinda left?" I raised an eyebrow. "He does know it's required to be here, right?"

Harry shrugged his shoulders. "He does whatever he wants. He's kinda a--" Liam cut him off. "Bad boy?" Harry nodded. "I'd appreciate if you called him. He'll automatically be suspended if he misses this. Bad on records, yanno? Please?" Liam asked. Liam really cherished education. He wanted to be a psychologist and attend Stanford. He has high limits. Harry got out his phone and dialed a number, walking out in the hall.

"Let's start." Louis grinned.


"Chicken nugget dinosaurs?" Harry laughed, looking into the Cafeteria. "My ma shapes em'." I grinned, nodding. We all sat at a table and joked around. It was really fun having them around. "Why did the manager hire the marsupial? Because he was koala-fied! Get it?" Michael laughed making the rest of us laugh. "Worst joke ever." I chuckled. Calum looked offended in a joking way. "Are Australian jokes all you have?" Michael nodded. "Our country makes people laugh."

We all jumped as the doors to the Cafeteria slammed open. We all looked towards them and saw a dark haired boy with a leather jacket on. Talk about mainstream. "Sorry I'm late." He chuckled and walked over to us. Harry rolled his eyes. "Sure." The kid sat down and grinned at us. "The name is Zayn." We all nodded. "Figured, you were the only kid who wasn't here." I spoke, looking over at him. Zayn almost immediately stopped grinning at me. "So you're the irish snitch?" Everyone immediately stopped talking and looked at us. "What?" Myself, Liam, Louis and Ashton all said. "Yeah the kid who said I wasn't here. The kid who said I just had to be here because it's 'required?'" I nodded my head slowly. "Our school is strict about attendance, so yeah?"

Zayn scoffed. "Um? Niall isn't a "snitch," Liam said using quotations around the word snitch. "He was stating a fact." I pointed a finger at Liam. "Exactly," I looked over at Harry. "Sorry that I'm an irish snitch." Harry's face flushed, he slid down into his seat. Louis looked overall stunned at Harry. Harry seemed like such a good friend and he was already starting shit for me for this kid. "Sorry." Harry murmured. "Don't apologize." Zayn said quickly. "You told the truth, Haz." I rolled my eyes at Zayn and Harry. The room became very tense. 0-100. "I'm going to go, I have to head home." Louis spoke softly, standing up and picking up his purse. Zayn laughed softly. "You have a purse, mate?"

Louis looked down at Zayn and nodded. "I do.." He said softly. I looked up at Louis and at Zayn. I don't know why I said it but I did. "You're such a bully, Zayn. Haven't been here a day and you're already going to be the school's dick." I stood up with Louis. "It's fine that you have a purse. Let's go. I want to leave, I'm not dealing with this prick anymore." I looked down at the table and Zayn actually looked stunned at my words. "Liam if you don't report him, I will. That's bullying to Lou and I." Ashton, Calum, Michael, and Luke stood up also. "We're coming too. I actually have to head home now anyways. I have to unpack." Luke explained.

Liam stood up and glared down at Zayn. "This was uncalled for. I don't care if you're some "bad boy" but making fun of my friends isn't going to get you no where here. This school is strict, buddy, so if you try to be a bully, you'll be expelled and I'll make sure of it. This tour is over, so you can go ahead and continue what you were doing before. It was so damn important, right?" Some of us couldn't have helped but to "ooh." at Liam. Usually he doesn't talk like that to people.

"He snapped." I laughed. "Welcome to Oakwood High, Zayn. Where nobody is gonna give a rat's ass that you're a bad boy. Oh, and, let me introduce myself. I'm gay boy Niall. It's lovely to meet you."

Gay Boy Niall ︴ziall. larry. lilo.Where stories live. Discover now