• chapter three

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an: thank you all for being so patient! i have no wifi so my mobile data had to restart. ): this chapter may be a bit short but the next chapter is almost done! enjoy!

goal of votes: 15+
goal of comments: [comment your favorite member of little mix and why using the hash tag: #littlemix"their name here" ] these little questions is why a music video is up top.


[ niall's pov ]

I started to feel light headed, my eyes clenching shut. "Fuck, no, morning." I mumbled. I opened my eyes slowly and saw my room was barely lit up. It was most likely dawn. Besides me on my king sized bed was Liam and Louis. After the whole commotion with Zayn, Louis began to cry. Nobody in the school really had an issue with Louis's dressing habits. I rolled onto my side and slipped an arm underneath my pillow. 7:23 AM my clock read. It was too early for this shit. I groaned loudly and sat up from my comfy position.

I looked down at my friends, Liam was holding Louis against his chest. I couldn't help but to smile softly. Liam really liked Louis. I got up and yawned softly, opening the door gently and walked down the long hallway and down the steps. "Ma? You awake?" From the Kitchen, my dad leaned back in his seat. "Not yet bud." I nodded and walked into the kitchen. "How was work?" I asked, grabbing my batman mug. "It was alright. I made something for your school. Well, the designs for the new gym." I laughed softly, looking over at him. "Thanks for making my gym bigger. That'll make the pacer test more fun." My dad laughed and took a quick sip of his coffee. "Hey, your gym wasn't the correct size. Your district noticed not me."

I couldn't help but to grin at my dad, he was such a dork. I had a pretty fun family. I had my Ma and Dad, my older Brother Greg and my little brothers (who are twins) named Finn and Aquarius. My older brother moved out over two years ago for college while my younger brothers are still in middle school. My parents got a divorce as a mutual agreement when I was in elementary but when I was in 7th grade they started over as a couple and have been doing very well. They missed each other a lot. I poured myself some tea, and sat across from my dad.

"How's school?" He asked, looking down at the paper. I thought about it for a moment. "Uh, my classes are good. I'm going to Italy in a couple of weeks, and there's these exchange students from around the globe. Sorta. Four are from Australia and two are from the UK."

My dad nodded. "Kids came to California? Shocking." I laughed softly. "Yeah dad, but one is a dick and we got into a fight." My dad immediately looked away from his paper and at me. "Fist?" I shook my head. "Nah. He made fun of Louis for being very womanish and said I was a snitch? All I did was say he was required to attend the tour or he'd be suspended." My dad sighed in relief. "So he didn't like, make fun of your sexuality?" I shook my head. "If he does-- let me and your ma know immediately you understand? It shouldn't matter that you're attracted to men. Look at me, I'm bisexual. Nothing wrong with that. Boobs are nice and so is dick. For you though, dick is all you like." I laughed rather loudly and nodded. "That's what gay means dad."

He chuckled and shook his head. "Such a dorky kid, Ni. Love ya okay?"


After cooking breakfast that morning for my family and friends, I decided that I should probably go down to the mailing office. "I can come too." Liam smiled. "I sent a form for Standford and Yale." I smiled lightly. "Alright. I sent out a form for The University of Dublin and NYU." My ma walked out from the kitchen and smiled at us. "Have fun boys. I'll be upstairs, ring if you need me."

"Or me." My dad yelled from the kitchen. "Especially if you see that fucking British cunt." My ma turned around and glared at my dad. "Bobby!" He laughed loudly in response. "Dad's not lying." I chuckled, she turned back around. "Oh I know, but we have younger kids in the house." Liam laughed softly and slipped on his shoes. "Ready Ni?" He asked. I nodded and slipped on my shoes, kissing my ma's cheeks. "Bye ma. Bye pop!" I called and walked out the front door. "Bye love!" My mom called back. "I'm not a Popsicle ya bum." My dad called. I rolled my eyes playfully at my dad.

"Is Louis fine being alone at my house?" I asked Liam. He nodded and looked down at me as we walked. "Yeah, he'd rather be there. He's still in a bad mood." I nodded in agreement. I'm still pissed but Louis is more sensitive than me. "Let's talk about how you snapped at Zayn. He looked so pissed at us. I swear he wanted to punch me when I introduced myself." Liam laughed. "He did look so mad. I could take him though, nobody upsets my Lou!" I grinned up at him and began to skip besides him. "Your Lou?"

Liam blushed a deep red and shook his head. "No."

"Liam and Louis sitting a tree! K-I-S-S-I-N-G!" I screamed making Liam blush harder. "Niall!" He hissed and jabbed my side. I laughed in amusement and pain, and stopped skipping. We reached the mailing office after a half an hour of walking, walking through the doors. "Hey Henry!" I smiled, waving at the 60 year-old. "Hey Ni. Hey Liam." He smiled back. "Anything for the both of us? Payne and Horan?" Liam asked, leaning against the counter. Henry went into the back and came back out with a package for me, and a few pieces of mail for our parents and us. "No form." I frowned and so did Liam. "Same." He sighed. "They'll come boys!" Henry smiled widely. "I'm sure of it. I'll ring you both if there are any forms."

We both smiled lightly. "Thanks." I looked down at the package, it had no name on it. Or an address it just said: "TO NIALL HORAN VERY IMPORTANT" in big bold letters. "What the hell is this?" I asked Liam, shaking the box lightly; hearing something in it. "Let's open it and see." We walked over to a table and sat down the box, taking a pair of scissors and opening the tape. I immediately smelt something terrible. "What the..?" Liam gasped and plugged his nose. I plugged my nose and dropped the scissors on the table. "It smells like a dead animal." We opened the box by each flap slowly and there in the box was a dead rat. With it, a message. "Oh god--" Liam murmured and nearly puked besides him. I walked over to Henry's counter. "There's a dead rat in my package, who gave it to you?" Henry furrowed his eyebrows and walked out into the waiting area.

He walked over to Liam and gasped as he saw the rat in the box, plugging his nose. "My god!" I slowly reached in and grabbed the folded message, it read: "You're messing with the wrong man, Horan. This is a fucking warning for you. Don't give a rat's ass, hm? (: " 

"Zayn." I hissed. I looked up at Henry. "Who did the boy look like who gave this to you?" Henry thought for a moment. "He had long curly hair with green eyes." I looked over at Liam, he was still plugging his nose and looking down at the rat; once Liam heard the description he automatically looked at me with a "are you fucking serious?" face. "They're playing with fire now." I said, closing the box.


an: #littlemixjesy
jesy is my favorite member because she's so different and unique. she has her own style and is wonderfully weird and kind. i love her so much! (:

next chapter is on it's way!

1372 words, yikes.

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