Chapter 17: Kill The Angel

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-Lucy P.O.V-
Natsu and Loke had left shortly after, and I was now alone again. I stared at my arm, and at the cut that had already healed itself. I sighed, and turned my gaze to the open window. Many people were out of their houses; more than usual.
"Is there a festival?..." I said to myself, leaning further out the window. Then I noticed the large amount of the magic council's army wondering about. Suddenly, one of them shouted out to me from below.
"Miss! Can you please exit your home?!" He said, a large spear in his hand. Before I could respond, the door flew off its hinges and collapsed. Then two large men in council uniform invited them selves in.
"H-Hey!" I shouted, standing up. "You don't have the right to-"
One man's gaze fell onto my right hand, and at my fairy tail mark.
"She's a wizard!" He shouted, then armed himself.
"I-I don't understand..." I muttered, backing away.
"Miss, have you seen something that you would identify as an 'Angel'?"
My eyes widened, surprised.
"She knows something!" I head one mutter to the other. Then, the man to the left suddenly retrieved a magic powered gun from behind. He shot immediately, and in that short moment, my arm morphed itself into a blade and sliced the bullet in half.
"Now that," I said, slowly. "Was uncalled for."
The one who fired the bullet gasped, and dropped the gun.
"D-Don't tell me..." He stuttered. "It's you..."
I held my hand out, and their bodies were forced to the wall. I walked over to them, and swung my hair to one side.
"Now tell me why you're here," I said, giving them a deadly stare.
"S-Send reinforcements..." One said, holding his hand on his ear. I sighed, and grabbed his hand with the one I had spare.
"Answer my question," I said forcefully. I then began to tighten my grip, crushing his fingers.
"W-We were the chairman..." he sobbed in pain.
"Tsk. What does the chairman want with me?" I muttered to myself. "Now listen, go back and-"
More men started to fill into my apartment. I let go of the men I was holding, and they sunk to the floor, holding their necks. I backed up to the window, facing the group of men with guns and spears. I grew my wings out, and smiled. Before they had the chance to fire, I jumped backwards. I fell through the window, smashing it completely. I let myself fall, and as soon as I was inches from the ground, I flapped my wings, stopping myself in mid air. I heard gasps from the crowd, who had all backed away. I balanced myself upright, and landed.
"You," I said, pointing to a young boy in the crowd. "Go tell fairy tail what's going on. Tell them the council are searching for me." I told him.
The boy hesitated, wide eyed, then nodded. I exhaled, annoyed. "Just when I thought this was gonna be a good day," I muttered.

-Natsu P.O.V-
I had gone back to the guild, where I met up with Happy.
"Is Lucy not here yet?" I asked, taking a seat.
"No, doesn't look like it..." Happy replied, looking around. I shrugged, and sat down on the bar
"Give me all the food you got, Mira! I'm going
S-Class today!"
"What makes you think you have the right to do that?" Erza said, who had snuck up behind me.
"We're taking Lucy with us when she comes..." Happy trembled.
"And? That doesn't make you an S-Class wizard," she said.
"Remember who beat you the other day?" I said, grinning. Erza gave me a deadly look, which were followed by laughs from the rest of fairy tail.
"Nice one, Natsu," Elfman called out. I began talking to Happy about jobs we could go on, when the doors to fairy tail burst open. A young boy ran in, panting. I watched as Levy walked over to him.
"Are you ok?" She asked, putting a hand on his shoulder.
"A-An Angel..." He said, between heavy breaths. "She fell out of the window. She told me to tell you that the council are all over magnolia...and are looking for her."
Levy looked up at me.
"Lucy," she muttered. I nodded, and stood up. I walked up to the door, and thanked the boy. Then, I was off to her apartment.

-Lucy P.O.V-
Many men in uniform has gathered around me.
I didn't want to hurt anyone...
"Cas Muchi." I raised my arm, and the shining whip grew faster than the eye could see. I swung it above my head, then slashed it left and right, knocking down herds of them at once. Whatever they wanted from me, I wouldn't let them have.
The more I knocked down, the more reinforcements seemed to appear.
"W-What's wrong with you?!" I cried, slashing my whip everywhere.
"Take her down!" They cried, shooting. So many bullets were being fired, it was almost impossible to block. Bullets scraped my legs and arms, making me stumble.
"D-Damn..." I muttered, trying to stop the blood while blocking more bullets at the same time.
"Stop it!" I shouted angrily. "I didn't do anything..." I was almost close to tears. What did I do to deserve this?
"I won't hesitate!" I cried, holding my arm out. The men, who didn't seem to care, charged forward.
I can't block them all off... I thought. I closed my eyes, and concentrated. I need time...
Like what had happened previously before, the words came into my mind, out of nowhere.
"Jikan Lyra," I muttered. I felt this energy suddenly flow out of me, like water. I opened my eyes again, and it was as if a grey-type filter had been placed over my eyes. The whole world was black and white, and everyone...was frozen.
Frozen in time.
"W-What?" I whispered to myself. I stepped forward, shaking. What is this... I thought. too much power...
I held my arm up, and slowly morphed it into a blade. My eyes, barely focusing, were blank. Then, as I stared at the floor, I sliced the throats of every soldier who was frozen mid-attack. Surprisingly, I felt myself cry as I did it.
They didn't...need to die...
Just as I finished, I felt myself getting weak.
This uses too much of my energy. I thought. When I was close to stumbling, I released the magic. The men instantly fell down to the floor. More men ran forward, looking around at the bodies of their comrades.
"W-What..." One muttered, staring in horror.
"Hey, she's there!" Another cried, pointing at me.
My eyes widened. I used...too much power...
I backed away, scared.
"P-Please..." I sobbed. "Just tell me what I did..."
Suddenly, one ran up to me, and placed a cube on my chest. When he let go, I realised it was a lacrima. Bluish Light suddenly came out of it, which made a cube shape box around me.
"W-What?" I said. I looked down at my hands, which started to glow the same colour as the light. "Teleportation?" I asked myself. Just as the light filled my body waist down, I heard my name being called. I looked up again, to see Natsu running towards me, his hand outstretched. He was stopped by two guards, but he immediately burned them with a flaming fist.
"L-Lucy!" He shouted, struggling over the crowds of soldiers.
"Natsu..." I said, sobbing. "D-Don't leave me..." My vision was suddenly covered with the light, and my hearing faded.
Don't...leave me...

-Natsu P.O.V-
I was too late. Just like last time.
The memory of before, when Lucy vanished into the celestial world, started haunting me, seconds after she had disappeared. I sunk to my knees, and put my head in my hands. I heard Happy's words, as he caught up to me (he must of followed me when I ran off), but I wasn't listening to what he was saying. I stood up again, and faced the group of men who had attacked me.
"Where did you send her?" I asked, my voice cold.
"Target captured," one muttered, ignoring me.
I walked closer, and put my flames inches from his skin. "WHERE DID YOU SEND HER?!" I screamed in his face. Happy was watching from the side, crying for Lucy.
"Not again..." I heard him whisper.
"H-Hey!" A man cried, grabbing onto me. I looked back at the man I was intimidating, and my fist trembled with anger. "This is a matter of the council!" he said, as soldiers started dog piling onto me, holding me down. "Please do not get involved."
"She's our friend! She did nothing wrong!" I shouted back, punching anyone who crossed my path. I heard footsteps, and saw that Erza, Gray, Wendy, and Levy had just arrived.
"Natsu! What are you doing?! Can't you see they're soldiers of the council?!" Erza cried, running over.
"Natsu, tell us what the hell is going on," Gray added, following Erza closely behind. Happy had also gotten up and flown over.
"Fairy tail wizards..." A soldier muttered. "I should've known. I assume that you will take full responsibility for your little 'friend' here," he said, pointing to me. Erza sighed, and nodded.
"Are you in charge here?" She asked.
"Yes, all your complaints will come to me," he replied, grinning.
"Then can you please tell your men to get their filthy hands off my friend?" She said.
"Tsk...everyone, off him," he said, gesturing his hand upwards. The men immediately got off me, and I stood back up. I brushed myself down, then told them everything.
"Guys, they took Lucy! They used some sort of teleportation lacrima, and she just disappeared over there!"
"I-It was so quick..." Happy muttered, tears in the corner's of his eyes. "Now we don't know where she is..."
"I know someone who can tell us," I said, walking up to the commander that declared himself in charge.
"Natsu, stop," Erza said, holding her hand up.
"But Lucy-"
"I know." I could see the anger she was trying to keep inside. She exhaled, and walked over to the commander.
"Are we at least allowed to know why you forced our friend out of her home, then teleported her somewhere?" She asked him.
"It was a direct order from the chairman," he replied.
"T-The chairman?" Wendy said, surprised.
"We were only told to 'capture the angel'. We were confused at first, but after seeing your friend's little tricks, we completed the task."
"How would he know? And why?" Levy asked.
Gray's eyes widened. "Could it be..."
Wendy gasped, also realising. "Lucifer?"
"He would do something like this?" I asked.
"We have no idea. I hate to say this, but Lucy knows him better than anyone." Gray replied.
"Well, I'm guessing she was sent to the Fiore branch building," Levy said.
"I-In prison?" Wendy said. "That's horrible..."
"Anyway, we'll leave you to get on with your moaning," the commander said.
He started to walk away, followed by his men.
"S-Stop-" Before I could finish my sentence, Erza placed a hand on my shoulder.
"We need to think this through, ok? We can't just barge in with something like this."
I hesitated, then nodded.
Just hang in there, Lucy...

-Lucy P.O.V-
I couldn't see anything. I tried to move my body, but it was hopeless. Every part of my body was somehow clamped in place. I moaned as I tried to struggle.
What is this...
Suddenly, lights flashed on. I squinted as my eyes adjusted. I was in a metal cube, which was just bigger than my body itself. I looked down, to realise that my whole body was covered in thick, metal chains. The wall in front of me split in two, and opened. There was a long metal hallway ahead, and a metal door at the end. The door creaked open, and a man stepped inside. His face held an evil grin. He shut the door behind him, and started to walk towards me.
"C-Chairman?" I whispered. He reached me, then instantly got out a gun. Before I even had time to react, a bullet went straight through my stomach.
I choked, as my shining blood splattered across the floor.
"I will not let you destroy this country," the chairman said coldly.
"I...would never do that..." I muttered, the pain spreading through my body.
"You're not human. You have no soul." He shot me again, in the leg. I began to cry, beyond my control.
"P-Please..." I whispered.
"Bleed, you demon," he said. Then he put his gun back in his belt, and turned away. As he started to walk back, the lights switched off, and the wall started to close again. Leaving me alone, in the darkness.
Everyone...please don't leave me...
This is where the dark side kicks in ;-;
Since there's no school (like I said last time) I'll try and update as quick as this :) but I don't want chapters to be that short, because then it's just...short. Anyway, thanks for reading, and I hope you enjoyed! Xxxx

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