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A yellow aura: Personality – You're happy, easy going, spontaneous, and playful. You love to have fun, you're intelligent and artistic, and you're a fantastic friend. People love to be around you – you light up the room! You're sensitive and expressive, but you can be immature and lazy. Powers – You can form you aura into an armor, use it to enhance your physical strikes, and destroy a whole area with an energy blast. You can release balls and beams of pure energy, and pulses of energy. You have control over fire and heat.

A blue aura: Personality – You're kind, friendly, nurturing and protective. You're loving, and care deeply about your friends and family. You're wise, emotional and responsible, you like to help others. You're caring and sweet, but can sometimes be overly sensitive and lack self-confidence.

Powers – You have an enhance intelligence. You're basically a genius – you can read others auras to learn how they fight, and what their weaknesses are. You have power over electricity, you can create lightning storms, send blasts of electricity, and create electromagnetic fields which allows you to levitate.

A indigo aura: Personality – You're calm, honorable, honest and understanding. You're a kind leader, you're sensitive and sometimes seen as eccentric, but your friends love you for it! You're compassionate and you live life your own way, but you can sometimes be anxious or criticize yourself too much. Powers – You can mentally communicate with others, astral project (separate your consciousness from your body) and can track people using their aura. You have power over light and darkness. You can create beams and spheres which can destroy large areas. You can emit varying strengths of light from your body, and cast darkness over a confined area.

A violet aura: Personality – You're charismatic and powerful, and you want to do something important with your life. You're a born leader, and you focus on the bigger picture instead of the little details. You're a perfectionist, you embrace change, but you can be arrogant or unrealistic. Powers – You can detect lies, and read others auras to know their thoughts, memories and powers. You control cosmic energy and gravity. You can replicate the powers of others for a short time after physical contact, and can project blasts of dark matter. You can distort space time in order to pass through object. You can cancel gravity from you or others in order to levitate. (That is what I am and also what Juno is)

A green aura: Personality – You're friendly, organized, heartfelt and efficient. You love nature and the outdoors, and you love to talk to people, but you're sometimes uncomfortable around strangers. You're blunt and analytical, and a fantastic teacher, but you can sometimes be irresponsible and have too high expectations.Powers – You can heal yourself and others, have control over the air and sound. You can make whirlwinds, fly, and send blasts of wind and sound, the force of which can destroy buildings.

A red aura: Personality - You're realistic, strong willed, lively, practical, and independent. You're a great leader, and you love to socialize. At a party you're the center of attention. You're honest and loyal, but sometimes you can be impatient and pushy. Powers – You can channel your power into your body to enhance your physical aspects, to create things like super strength and super endurance. You have power over the earth and metal: you can create earthquakes and sandstorms, propel rocks, and shape and manipulate metal.

A orange aura: Personality – You're adventurous, focused and inventive. You love to be challenged, you're an excellent planner, and you don't care what others think of you. You have a couple of close friends, who you always have fun with. You're creative, but can sometimes be egotistical or jealous.

Powers – Your power is based on your emotions. The more you feel, the more powerful you are. You have power over ice and water, you can create and control ice and water, send blasts of ice, and create blizzards and tsunamis.

These are all the auras that will be shown in this book. Have a great day!

And by the way you can find you personality and tell me what aura you have in the comments if you'd like... :)

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