Chapter twenty seven

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Chapter twenty seven

The birth of a family.

Seven months. Seven whole months of mood swings and odd food combinations.

Today was the day.

8:35am. Saturday.

Even though it was a Saturday for some reason I woke up early. I was feeling bubbly and excited. But I just thought it was because of Damon. I had spent time with him and his sister, then I was even invited for dinner by his nana. His sister is such an adorable seven year old. She has such a bubbly beautiful character and you can tell she loves her brother a lot. He shows it too. The way he looks at her, you can tell he is a protective brother and he admires his sister a lot.

"Phillip! Why is there no Nutella in this house?! I thought I put it on the list!"

Oh no! She's eaten all my Nutella again.

"You did! I got some last night." Phillip yelled out to her.

I walked past the open bathroom door and I saw Phillip staring in the mirror. He was running his hands through his dark hair. "It'll be over soon and then you'll be doing that every night." I said smirking at him.

"No I won't, 'cause your babysitting."

"Nah uh, when I'm eighteen you can move out into that house."

"Shh don't say it too loud. Alice doesn't know yet."

Last month Phillip bought a two story house about two blocks away for him, Alice and the babies as soon as I was old enough to live by myself.

Suddenly something crashed in the kitchen. "Phillip!" Alice screamed in pain. Phillip and I looked at each other in panic and then sprinted for the kitchen. There on the floor was Alice, a puddle of water soaked the hem of her pale blue dress. She looked surprisingly calm. "Phillip call an ambulance okay babe? And Ellie I need you to get the baby bag from my room."

"Okay". I started for the stairs but when I looked at my brother he stood frozen in the middle of the kitchen staring at Alice. She was glaring at him while one hand was pressed on her. He took no notice of her glare until I nudged him and he woke from his blankness.

He rushed for the phone on the wall and I ran up the stairs as I heard him dialing 111. Alice let out another scream as I ran back down the stairs. Kneeling beside her I stroked her hair as a way to clam her down.

"The ambulance will be here in about ten minutes"

"I can't wait ten minutes! Get these two living things out of me NOW!"

So maybe she didn't say it quite that nicely, there were a few curse words added.

The wail of the siren surrounded us as the red lights flooded the kitchen. Two St. John's paramedics burst through the door.

A blond haired lady kneeled beside me. "Hi love, my names Nancy."

"Ali- ahh"

"Her names Alice, I'm her sister in law Ellie."

"Okay sweetheart, is the father here?"

"Yeah behind us probably frozen."

Nancy looked behind us and nodded. I was right, Phillip was standing behind us with the tip of his thumb in his mouth and staring wide eyed at us.

"Okay Alice we are going to put you on a stretcher okay? Now are you able to sit up?"

*three hours later*

I was siting in the waiting room with my parents (they had got an early ride back as soon as they heard) Sebastian (he had been out with friends) and Alice's parents, Maria and John Fisher.

The dads were pacing back and forth waiting for Phillip to come out of the ER room. While the mums were gossiping about baby stuff. Sebastian and I decided it was time to go and get coffee.

"So how was the date I heard you and Damon went on"

"It was good, how did you know?"

"Who do you think gave him the idea" he laughed.

We walked in silence for the next few minutes. "Sorry we haven't talked recently Teddy."

"I knew Ell's, me too"

"So how are things?"

"Well..." He started blushing.

"Oh is little Sebastian Brown blushing?"




I glared at him.

"Okay okay! Imayhaveagirlfriend"

"And when were you going to tell me? What's her name?"

"Well you were always busy, and her names Blake. She's Harry's cousin."

"Girl with blond hair dip dyed pink?"

"Yah hu"

"I've met her a few times at games, she's really nice. Good on you seb."

It really was, he was moving on even after all the nights. I guess back then we were both caught up in the moment.

"Ellie! Sebastian!" My mum screamed at us as we walked back with the coffees. "She's had the twins!"

We all walked into the small hospital room. "Hey guys" Alice smiled tiredly but brightly at us. She was holding a small bundle in a blue blanket. Phillip was holding another bundle wrapped in a pink blanket.

Alice showed us the sleepy face of the baby she was holding "guys meet Rane, and the little princess Phillip is holding is River."



Yes!!! Alice had the babies. What do you think of the name? River and Rane? River and Rane Love. Aww I thinks it's so cute! Okay so I wanna make a suggestion..... One word..... Should I or not....?...


Yes or no?? Tell me xoxo

~Laura xxx

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