Tough To Be Up Top- Homestuck

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Feferi: I )(ardly t)(ink i'm fit to be, ruler of our planet sea, I just don't like the rules t)(at we've set up

Eridan: Feferi, wwater you talkin' about? They're all filth 'neath you and me, bein' empress'll be a breeze, wwhich rather suits the royal bloods who swwim

Feferi: T)(e one's w)(o swim, t)(e ones w)(ho swim it's me and )(im, o)( my cod, it's toug)( to be on top

Eridan: Wwatch the lowbloods dyin' off (ha)

Feferi: Be feared and stuff, w)(en reely you're not bad

Eridan: Of course wwe are, be an object of devotion

Feferi: Be t)(e-Empress of all

Eridan: It's great to livve in the ocean, wwhere you knoww you're better off

Feferi: But w)(y must I be sovereign? 

Eridan: Cuz your bloods beauty, wworth marvvelin'

Eridan and Feferi: If t)(ey say wwe're at t)(e at top, t)(at's ww)(ere wwe'll stay

Feferi: But w)(at if we don't comply wit)( t)(ese dumb traditions?

Eridan: I can see the planet fall to anarchy

Feferi: Yes... w-wait wait, w)(at?

Eridan: So be our boss, it wwil be great

Feferi: -Eridan!

Eridan: Alternia on a plate, lowwbloods feelins wwon't be your concern

Feferi: Not my concern, not my concern, the lowbloods feelings? -Eridan! It's toug)( to be on top

Eridan: But once you see your better off, count your blessins, keep bein' swweet, that's my advvice

Feferi: I don't t)(ink t)(at's very good advice, ba a symbol of the vicious  

Eridan: Be an empress, be a queen

Feferi: Condemn to deat)(, allow the atrocious, as the lowbloods start to seet)(e

Eridan: Don't be silly, you'll be lauded, you'll be praised, alwways applauded 

Feferi: I'm not so s)(ore

Eridan: Just take your place as impress Feferi, you wwill see

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