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On the first day he smiled. His smile was bright and large, not having met a struggle in his life. He was four on this day. His mother had just delivered his sisters: twins with hearts of gold that matched his. This was the first day. He was surrounded by family and friends, he was joyful, he was glad the sun chose to shine on his life this day.


Connor loves his family.

His four year old brain can't completely comprehend the concept of love yet, but he loves his family.

His sisters are so beautiful. Everything about them is perfect and charming. They are twins, the first only two minutes older than the second. They have light, golden-brown hair, like himself, and bright happy smiles, also like himself.

Their eyes, however, are different. One giggling girl's eyes are bestowed with a charming and inviting light blue similar to his father's, but hers are curious and innocent.

The other girl holds eyes of a dark brown - so dark that they appear to be black - not similar to any of their family members. Her eyes contain a subtle glint of mischief, but it is drowned out by sparks of creativity.

The young Connor has dull, green-ish grey-ish eyes similar to his mothers, except his are warm and sweet. Hers are vivid and bold, containing a great wisdom that all mothers share.

"What are you going to name them?" inquires the nice nurse who helped bring the princesses into this world. "They are very beautiful, young girls"

"We haven't exactly decided yet, but she gives off the aura of a flower. Doesn't she sweetie?" Connor's mother refers to the baby girl with the blue eyes and holds it near Connor's father for judgement.

"She does." He seems to ponder over the names of all of the flowers he knows when suddenly he exclaims, "Lily! Lily, she looks like a dainty little Lily, I think."

"She is Lily, it's decided. Should I pick the other name then?" She starts muttering names until she find the right one.

"Georgia? No too stiff. Wait should it be a proper name like, uh, Valerie? No I don't like that I want a short name. Erin? No. Another flower? Daisy? No, not another flower. I think I liked the E names....Eli?...Elizabeth? I think I like Elizabeth. Oh it's perfect! Absolutely perfect! I think I'm gonna cry." Connor's mom begins sniffling as her emotions get the better of her.

Connor's father is chuckling as he agrees, "I love it. Lily and Elizabeth, my two beautiful baby girls." He smiles and tries to hide the tears that are starting to fall.

When they were both calm, the nurse explained that Connor's mother needed to stay in the hospital for another two nights before they could take Lily and Liz (the clever nickname Connor had thought of for Elizabeth) home. Two days is too long in Connor's opinion. He desperately desires to introduce his sisters into their home. He was an older brother now, and with great power comes great responsibility.

Connor can't wait until his older brother duties begin. He will teach them right from wrong, he quietly determines in his mind, he will teach them how to play nicely and how to swim and how to be fair and how to love people and how to make friends and, and... There is just so much they need to learn, he thought.

**Two days later**

Stepping over the threshold of his home, Connor could barely contain his excitement. He would be able to play with his sisters for the first time! The twins were asleep right now, however, so his mother said he could play with them when they wake up. That disappointed him.

Lilly and Lizzy were put to bed in their room. They have to share the room that used to be the guest room. Connor's parents have bought new furniture for the twins, though. So now the room has two large cribs, a rocking chair, and some baby toys lying around.

Connor felt a yawn approaching and it escaped before he could help it. I am tired, he deduced, so he decided to take a nap for the time being.

Loud screams interrupted Connor's pleasant dreams. Alarmed, he ran into his parents' room only to find that they were nowhere to be seen. Bracing himself, he dared to walk towards to origin of the yells. His sisters, it turned out, had just awoken from their nap.

When he questioned his mother about their screaming she replied with a simple "That's just the way babies are".

If babies are always like this, then, maybe, his sisters weren't as perfect as he had thought.

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