Chapter 3

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*dingdingding!*  The first period bell goes off meaning my first class was going to start. Geometry. " oh greeeaat. Another boring class of life. Why the heck would I ever need to know this crap," I mutter to myself. As we all wait for the teacher to come, I reboot my senses to noticing everyone (important) in my class. 

 There's Pepper who sits right in front of me in the front row. There's the two goth guys in the complete back of the room. They've always creeped me out. There are the nerds who take up the WHOLE left side of the classroom. And of course the popular girls and guys on the other part of the room.

 And Tyler who always sits next to me. Don't weird it out! He's my best guy friend. Plus he's the only person outside of the restaurant who knows that I cook there. 

Then there's also Brittany and Chelsea. Two snotty popular girls who think that they can own the world. Sure both of their parents are lawyers, but that doesn't mean that they have the right to boss everyone around! (Especially me).  By the way they're not sisters. Just too good of best friends. Almost like they were faking it.

Finally, our geometry teacher Mr. Langster comes into the the classroom. He's only in his early thirties surprisingly, but always has bags under his eyes 'cause he's always kinda tired. "Okay class please bring your homework out while we all go over it," he says as we all sluggishly bring our homework out.

 I take my binder, and find out that..... I don't have it? Nononono!! I could of swore I put it in here. Maybe if I just.... I rummage into all my pockets of different subjects, like a squirrel looking for a nut. Science, English, social studies, IT WASN'T IN THERE!!!! I started to panic. Not knowing what to do I froze like an inanimate object. "Umm... are you ok Hailey," asks Tyler. I stutter out my words. "I-I'm fine. I just forgot my homework," he gasps. He knows that I barely forget homework. BARELY! 

I finally decide to take a deep breath in, and out. I slowly raise my hand and.... "yes. Miss Hailey," he calls on me. I gulp. "I-I forgot my homework" I say ashamed of the action. Mr. Langster sighed. Where'd you leave it," He said annoyed about the incident like a fly. I knew that I must've left it at the restaurant. So I lied. "At my house sir," I say with a tint of fear in my voice. I turned around looking at Pepper who was sad to hear about the news. 

"HEY HAY STACKS!" Brittany mockingly yelled at me. I swiftly turned my head and clenched my teeth and fists. "It's Hailey," I said to her. She's called me that since the 3rd grade when she was in my class. And we all went on a field trip to a farm. There was a slide that lead to a huge bail of hay, and no one else's hair got more messy than mine. And ever since then she's called me hay bails, hay stacks, you get the picture.

"I thought that you don't forgot homework. Like you were some type of school machine!" All the popular kids snickered at the joke. "Maybe. But at least I don't have the headstrongness of a donkey! I scream back. Pepper cupped her hands on her mouth trying not to give away a smile. Tyler couldn't hold it in l, and laughed too harder than he should've. 

 Brittany's eye was twitching. This normally ment that things were going to go TERRIBLY WRONG. oh boy. Maybe geometry wasn't going to be boring after all.

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