Chapter 1 - KYOYA!

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To everyone who guessed Hiro as the mysterious P.O.V, you're right. Have a cookie. If you didn't, have a cookie. Yes. You all get cookies. Deal with it, honey. (GIF above is the live action actor for Kyoya. Isn't he gorgeous?!)

Haruhi and Hiro's P.O.V

It's decided. It's a race for his/her heart! You may have a head start, but I will win!

Kyoya's P.O.V

I slowly woke up to a loud beeping sound ringing in my ears. "Babe, turn off the alarm," I grumbled, attempting to roll over, falling off the bed as I did so. Growling at my stupidity I grabbed the alarm from the bedside table above my head and smashed it on the floor for interrupting my day of sleeping in. "KYOYA!" I heard a voice scream in pain, making me shoot up from the floor and sprint for the bedroom door, stumble a little as I ran down the hallway towards the loud pleads for help. "Kyoya!" (Y/N) shouted once again when I made it to the lounge. I skidded to a halt in the floor and stared wide eyed at her feet, a puddle of water all around her, my heart pounding in my ribcage from panic and fear. She screamed again and started to cry this time, making me snap to my senses and grab my phone as well as my car keys, picking her up as gently as I could bridal style and managing to get her out to the car, slowly helping her get in the passenger side. After doing this I shut the door and hurried around to the driver's side, running the directions to the nearest hospital through me head as I started the car, quickly pulling out of the driveway and driving down the road, making sure not to lose my cool and drive faster than the speed limit. I can't put their lives in danger. Especially not now. I tugged my phone out of my pocket, but I soon realized I wouldn't need to call the emergency number, since the hospital was right there in front of me. After pulling over and jumping out of the car I helped (Y/N) out and wrapped my arm around her shoulder, ready to catch her should she collapse as we walked in the hospital doors. A few Doctors and Nurses in white lab coats rushed over to assist her into a wheelchair while I was asked to fill out a form as I was waiting for her. Grabbing my phone I dialed Tamaki's number, having promised to call him when it was (Y/N)'s time. "Tamaki? Yeah, its Kyoya" I instantly regretted calling him after he shouted in my ear, "MOMMY!" Cringing I told him what was happening and he soon hung up, wishing both (Y/N) and I good luck, although she would definitely need it more than me right now.

~ Time Skip ~

My eyes fluttered open to someone shaking my shoulders, instantly widening as they made contact with bright purple eyes. "Tamaki?! What the hell are you doing here?" I asked, looking around to see the entire Host Club here, all of them with nervous smiles on their faces. "When you called we had to come," Haruhi said, making me want to question how she was even here in the first place, since she didn't have a passport like the rest of us. Just as I opened my mouth to ask a door opened and a Doctor stepped out of the room, asking for me, to which I instantly asked, "How is she?" He shook his head and beckoned for us to follow him into the room, my heart skipping a beat when I saw the sad look on his face. Taking a seat beside (Y/N) I held onto her hand tightly as she panted, the rest of the Host Club standing nearby with anticipation of their faces. "I'm afraid to tell you that your son didn't make it. A piece of his heart was missing. I'm very sorry," the Doctor said, bowing in respect before leaving the room, my heart dropping into my stomach and shattering into millions of pieces. "A p-piece of his heart... m-missing?" I stuttered, my voice cracking as tears started to spill out of my eyes. The other Hosts all stared at (Y/N) and I in shock, the majority of them starting to cry, especially Tamaki and Honey. Even Mori was showing some emotion as he ushered them all out of the room to give the two of us some privacy. "Kyoya..." (Y/N) whispered in my ear as I pulled her into a hug, letting out a muffled scream into her shoulder.

Tamaki's P.O.V

We all sat outside the room, crying silently as we listened to the screams of Kyoya and sobs of (Y/N). Even though it was unexpected, I knew the both of them would have wanted their son. I desperately wanted to go in there and tell them it would be alright, that we could all move on, but I couldn't bring myself to do it. I had never lost a child before. I was stolen away from my mother, but that was nothing compared to the pain and agony Kyoya and (Y/N) must have been feeling, especially Kyoya, since he once briefly mentioned a few months after we both met that he'd always want a perfect wife and son or daughter, even though he knew that would never happen because of his father. I couldn't even bear to imagine going back in time and telling the younger version of Kyoya that his life would turn out like this, that the dream child he had been wishing for would die within minutes of his birth, before he could even meet him. "Poor Kyo-chan and (Y/N/N)-chan," Honey said in between tears, wiping his eyes on his sleeve as he hugged his Usa-chan tightly. "Life is probably gonna go downhill for them now," Haruhi muttered, yet we all heard her. I didn't want to believe it, but I knew she was right. Things would probably only get worse for the grieving couple from here on out.

Oh no. What have I done. I'm so sorry. I wanted to be original. But I've probably destroyed you all on the inside. I'm so so so so sorry. I feel like I'm worse than fucking Moffat right now! Sorry.

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