Chapter 3: Pirates attack

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Luke spent a year on the ship and enjoyed it he liked the crew, and enjoyed visiting all the different planets. One day while cooking lobster soup with the chief, there was an explosion and wood behind him cracked and went straight through the chief, blood squirted every where and Luke ran up the stairs and saw they were being attacked. Suddenly a the ship was full of people being attacked and a man walked up to the captain and spoke to him, Luke saw his pull out a gun but the other man cut his head off. Luke was hit over the head and collapsed. When we woke up he saw he was on a different ship and in a cage.
"What's going on here" he called out
A man walked down to him.
"Would you like to join my crew mister?"
"Where's Lilly he called out?"
"Answer my question first" the man said "would you like to become a pirate?"
Jack smiled and nodded
"But first where is my dog Lilly" the man told someone to open the cage and Luke walked out Lilly came bounding up behind him. The man said he was the captain and told Luke to go have a look around. Luke walked up the stairs and saw that he was on a massive ship. The captain was giving orders and they came to a stop, the ship lowered down and Luke saw a planet. He asked what they were doing and the captain said looking for a treasure map, he told Luke to stay with the ship. Luke walked along the ship, and saw someone walk on. Luke grabbed his sword and then asked the man what he was doing on the ship, the man pulled out his own sword.
"This is my ship now" he said
Luke saw a gun and quickly grabbed it and shot the man he fell to the ground. The other three pirates that had been told to stay ran up to him and saw the dead man.
"Good job" they said
Luke dumped the body of the edge of the ship and saw the captain come running back, Luke could tell he want the ship to be ready for take off. Luke ran and told the others who pulled the sails into position, the captain ran on bored followed by some of his crew and the boat flew off. Luke ran to the captain and asked what happened.
"We were attacked" he said "I managed to get the map but lost my first mate, and third in command."
"Oh" Luke said
"I promote you to second in command" the captain said
Luke's jaw dropped, he tried to say thank you but the words didn't come. The captain turned and walked off. Luke wasn't sure what to do now that he was first mate, he went and found the cook and asked what he does now that he's first mate. The cook told him he now doesn't need to work, he's like a second captain.

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