Chapter Fourteen

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Richard knew he was a short timer. Not from the bullet which had only grazed his leg or from the blow to the head which had hurt and given him a headache but other than that left him unharmed. Even the long ride dragging across the dusty ground behind Franks damn horse wasn't what he was sure was going to kill him.

No, the reason he knew he was a short timer was because he was currently tied to a wooden post in the center of the courtyard of the old worn down fort covered in dirt, blood and sweat with a damn crazy ass mad man and his two screw loose buddies waving guns in his face.

The only thing Richard had to be thankful for at this moment was that Tessa had actually listened to him and remained hidden and was safe from Trigger. Richard had been working at getting his hands free for the last thirty minutes he'd been tied up but he wasn't having any luck.

"So, Richard Helms, it looks like you're not gonna get that big bounty on my head after all." Trigger said. Richard shrugged.

"No guess not." he replied. Then he looked around.

"I heard tell you had ten men working with ya. What happened?"

"Bank robbing is a dangerous business. People die." Trigger replied simply. Richard nodded. That meant it was just three against one…. Three armed men against one beat all to hell man currently tied to a wooden post. Not his best odds but surprisingly not his worst.

"I thought Richard Helms was supposed to be some big tough ass?" Franks said. "He don't look so tough to me." Franks swung his fist out and caught Richard in the jaw. Richard's head snapped around but he chuckled as he spit out a mouth full of blood.

"You should ask Trigger's brother about how tough I am." he said. Trigger let out an angry yell and kicked Richard in the leg where the bullet had grazed him. Richard let out a painful groan through his clenched teeth.

"Did you know that a man can't live but a day or so out in this hot desert without water?" Trigger asked. "I've heard tell that dying of thirst is a damn painful way to go. Guess you're going to find out aren't you Mr. Helms?"

"Guess I am." Richard replied. Franks walked close to Richard and leaned down over him.

"You are one cocky son of a bitch aren't you?" he asked. Richard shook his head.

"Naw. Not me." he replied. Then he swung his uninjured leg up and over Franks neck. He pulled Franks down and held him in place with both his legs around his neck, cutting off his air supply.

"I hear that suffocation is a pretty rough way to go too." he said. Franks was struggling against him but Richard was too strong.

"That's enough!" Trigger yelled finally and hit Richard upside the head with his pistol. Richard was dazed and his legs relaxed just long enough for Franks to pull away coughing and gasping for breath.

"You stupid son of a bitch!" he yelled and punched Richard again. Richard just kept his head bowed and his mouth shut this time. He was sick and damn tired of being hit in the head.

"Let's get out of this sun boys. We'll come back out and check on our little guest here about dark." The three men walked away and Richard went back to work on loosening the ropes on his hands. He didn't really think he stood a chance of getting away but he had to try. He closed his eyes and said a million 'I love you's' to Tessa in his mind with the hopes that somehow God would let her hear him.


The sun was beginning to set as Tessa and Neil came up on the fort. They walked their horses quietly up to the stone wall.

"Must not have any lookouts posted or we'd done be dead." Neil said his voice weak. Tessa knew the old man was probably going to die and felt a moment of guilt. She should have let the doctor sew him up before bringing him out here but the only thing she'd been able to think about had been saving Richard.

Love of a Bounty (Sequal to Unexpected Romance but can stand alone)Where stories live. Discover now