Chapter 7 - Breathe

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Chapter 7 – Breathe

Loud music, the smell of sweat, alcohol, and perfume. This was Shuuya and as Kiba, Misaki, and Aisa stepped inside the nightclub, Kiba was amazed, Misaki was bored, and Aisa was excited. The place was crowded and Misaki was certain that there wasn't a sober person in the club. Aisa grinned and clapped her hands in joy as Kiba chuckled at both her and Misaki who was glowering with arms crossed over her chest.

They went straight up to the bar and Misaki ordered for them since she was the only one the bartenders always recognised. No surprise, she ordered not just three, but five drinks, three being for herself and the other two for Aisa and Kiba. One was gone in all of a split second and the other two were gone just as quickly and she got two more before leaving the bar.

After spying a bunch of girls getting up and going to the toilet, they snatched up the table even though there was one girl left, who had stayed to mind said table, but literally ran off to join her friends after a single glare from the small, black-haired woman in the trio.

Kiba didn't recognise any of the people or any of the music, but he could feel the adrenalin and the excitement of doing something he had never done before was kicking in, especially the fact that he was getting various glares from other guys because of the woman whose company he was in and he felt smug at the glares and the scoffs that were directed at Aisa and Misaki for the same, yet opposite reason.

He nearly keeled over when Misaki glared with the very depths of hell shining in her eyes at a woman who tried to talk to him until she got the message and ran off, and tried not to smile as he saw the slight confusion pass through her eyes. Aisa ignored it and showed nothing on her face, but inside she was squealing with delight, hoping that Misaki might finally becoming a little less oblivious to her own feelings.

The blonde knew the shorter girl well enough by now, even with all her swagger and what not, to figure out that she was becoming increasingly confused as to why she continued to look at Kiba, even just idly, when it was not necessary. She also seemed even more confused about Kiba doing small things such as opening a door for her, smiling a little when he caught her eye, watching her with an intense gaze as she performed and making sure that he at least put one hand on her at some point when they were in public.

She was chuckling on the inside, as she watched them stare at each other in a silent battle of unknown wits. Neither of them won, as she decided to see just how far she could push them both before they cracked and gave up this silly 'I-really-hate-you-but-I-want-you-so-bad' song and dance, and just get them to go for it and tear each other's clothes off already.

"Come on, let's go dance!" she said and went to stand up, a grin on her face (but for reasons unknown to her companions) and her hands clapping in excitement.

"Ugh, Aisa. Can't we just sit and drink until I'm unconscious?" Misaki groaned and lazily half-glared at the woman trying to get her to move by dragging her chair out from the table.

"No, because then we'd be here until this time next week! Get up!" Aisa tried pulling Misaki out of her seat, but to no avail. It was then that she got a perfect idea. She leant down to be right next to Misaki's ear, and spoke. "You don't want that skank from before trying to dance with Kiba, do you? I mean he does look quite ravishing tonight, I must say -"

"Alright! I'm up." she yelled as she stood up and downed her last of two drinks all in a few large gulps, making the oblivious Kiba roll his eyes and shake his head at the alcoholic woman.

With a hand grasping Kiba's wrist, and the other hand around Misaki's much smaller wrist, Aisa literally dragged them both out onto the dance floor where she started moving her hips and rolling her head in time with the song while Kiba stood there, completely clueless as to what he should be doing. He'd never actually dancedbefore, so he didn't really know what to do, but he carefully stepped from side to side, keeping in time in an attempt to make it look like he did know what he was doing whilst trying not to laugh at Misaki. He actually fit in more than she did.

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