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Harry's POV

Waking up with a beeping sound is horrible.. I have this stingin pain in my chest and this pain in my lower region

What happened?

And why can't i open my eyes?

Where is my baby?!


"hazza" i heard a very familiar voice beside me. And this person is probably holding my hand.

" hazza.. Babe please wake up.. Our baby needs you so much, i can't keep looking at you in this situation. You look like just sleeping but inside i know youre fighting. Your are so much a fighter.. You can do it haz. Come back to me baby .. Open your beautiful eyes for me baby. P-please It's been 2 days straight without you.. I- i miss you so much b-baby please wake up.. I can't take this anymore.. It's killing me inside hazza.. "


Stop crying im here!

No no no ! Stop please!!

Why can't i speak?!


" The surgery went well haz. But they put you in coma. They said it's up to you when your gonna wake up.. Why? Do you not want to be w-with me hazza? Do you not want to live with me and pumpkin hmmm?? Promise. When. You wake up.. We can do whatever you want! We can buy that boots you always wanted for our baby to wear.. Just please . Don't let the dark take you.. We need you.. "

I want to live with you louis!! Why are you asking that kind of question?! I love you very much!! It's not like i don't want to live with you.. It's just.... I don't know how to wake up!! I can't do it! Even thouhh i want! It's so hard!

I felt him touch my cheeck with his thumb..

I missed his touch..

" i want to hear your voice babe.. I want you to talk back to me.. I want to hear you laughs.. Your corny jokes.. Hazza.. I can wait forever.. But i might give up... "

No ! Do not! I am here! Why can't you hear me??

" can you hear me harry? The doctors said you can.. But that's definitely just in movies.. I- i thought when i talk to you.. You will squeeze my hand like the actors on telly.. Haha.. Hilarious right? But i wa- want you to. "


" just don't forget that i am here yeah? I am waiting for you.. Im just here by your side.. You must be tired of my voice now.. I will stop now.. I love you harry.. I really love you so much. "

Don't stop louis!! Boobear!

No no no don't let go of my hand!


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